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Doughboys Wikia

"Shockdoughbooerdeath: Zankou Chicken with Jason Mantzoukas" is Episode 419 of Doughhellboys, hosted by Nick "The Murder Boy" Wiger and Mike "The Spoonwolfman" Mitchell. "Shockdoughbooerdeath: Zankou Chicken with Jason Mantzoukas" was released on October 12, 2023.


"Tomorrow… with Jason Mantzoukas" - @doughboyspod


Jason Mantzoukas joins the 'boys to talk slasher names, New England schools, and the Zankou murders before continuing Shockdoughbooerdeath with a review of Zankou Chicken. Plus, a Trick or Treat edition of Slop Quiz.

Murder Boy's intro[]


The Raven

In the city of fallen Angels where dreams turn to nightmares daily,
A once paltry poultry restaurant into chicken empire grew,
Up in the hellish Valley scrambled brains thought thoughts of murder
Family slaughtered whole like chickens cleaving father’s dreams in two,
Garlic sauce could ward off Dracula but not halt a palace coup
               Quoth the Chicken “Zankou.”

This week on Doughboys, we uncover a grisly taboo in Shockdoughbooerdeath 2023, a scarifying month of frights and bites, with the murders — mostly birds — of Zankou Chicken.


Pitchfork rating 🔱[]


Joker Wiger, Jason, The Batspoonman

Nick runs through the history during the episode, but this restaurant was included during Shockdoughbooerdeath because the founder of Zankou killed his sister and mother before killing himself. The article about it is here.

guest / ghost ordered rating
Joker Wiger
  • Quarter Dark Rotisserie Chicken Plate
5 pitchforks
The Batspoonman
  • Tri-Tip Shawerma Wrap
  • Combo Kabob Plate
    • Shish Kabob and Lule Kabob
6 pitchforks
Jason Mantzoukas
  • Tarna & Shawerma Combo Plate
6 10.0 ratings
  • Half Rotisserie Chicken
  • French Fries
  • Falafel Special
Amelia Marino - 4.5 forks

Amelia's score is non-canonical, and not factored into any scoring.

With these scores, Zankou makes the Platinum Plate Club!

Joker Wiger likes chaos though and keeps it out of the The Devil's Meal (when it gets 3 six fork scores). Still, Zankou is the highest-rated chain ever on Doughboys (just passing Guisados).

Slop Quiz: Trick or Treat edition[]


turnip Jack-O-Lantern

In Slop Quiz, Murder Boy presents a food-related exam (pop quiz) and Batspoonman and the guest compete for superiority.

The theme for this episode was Halloween trivia. If it's true, it's a treat; false, trick.

clue Batspoonman's guess Jason's guess correct score (MM - JM)
Before Jack-O-Lanterns were pumpkins, turnips were commonly used. - Trick Treat 0 - 0
In 2018, Burger King's Nightmare King did not induce nightmares. Treat - Trick 0 - 0
In parts of New England, Halloween Eve is called Hoodwink Night. - Trick Trick 0 - 1
Halloween is the 2nd biggest holiday for candy sales. Trick - Trick 1 - 1
Roses are the iconic flower for Día de los Muertos. - Treat Trick 1 - 1
Candy corn was originally called 'chicken feed'. Treat - Treat 2 - 1
Halloween dates back to ancient Celtic festival at end of harvest season. - Treat Treat 2 - 2
The three most popular 2021 candies were: Reese's Cups, KitKat, Snickers. Trick - Treat 2 - 2
The sale of silly string is illegal in Hollywood. Treat - Treat 3 - 2
In 2022, Domino's Japan offered a Halloween Pizza laced with a laxative. - Trick Trick 3 - 3

Jason and Batspoonman tied, but Jason knew the tiebreaker question for knowing the pronunciation of "Samhain" (the ancient Celtic festival in one of the above trivia).

So Jason wins!

Shockdoughbooerdeath Questions 💀⚰️[]

guest / host what's the grossest food you like?
Nick Wiger liverwurst
Mike Mitchell -
Jason Mantzoukas Moroccan sheep's head

Roast Spoonwolfman[]

"the crumbs are coming from inside the mouth"




Wiger Joker

Perhaps the scariest iteration of The Joker is not Heath Ledger, it's not Joaquin Phoenix... it's Wiger Joker! 'Why so serious, buddy?!'

–Jason Mantzoukas

Nick: Is 'kabob' the most fun food word to say?

Mitch: It's very fun.
Jason: Kabob.
Nick.: Kabob.
Mitch: It's very very fun.

–The Doughboys

I said it before, I'll say it again: Recall Susser! He absolutely should not be Commissioner anymore and I'll throw my hat into the ring. I'm running.

–Jason Mantzoukas

The Feedbag[]

Did you have any irrational food fears that seem silly now looking back? - @TerryMC
Nick "Murder Boy" Wiger
  • swimming within 30 minutes of eating is dangerous
Mike "The Spoonwolfman" Mitchell
  • swallowing bubble gum will stay in your stomach for years
  • eating seeds would grow inside you
Jason Mantzoukas
  • someone at school had a maggoty Reese's Peanut Butter Cup
  • takes weeks to digest a bagel

