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"Wood Ranch with Esther Povitsky" is Episode 78 of Doughboys, hosted by Mike Mitchell and Nick Wiger. "Wood Ranch with Esther Povitsky" was released on November 10, 2016.


Actress and comedian Esther Povitsky (Brooklyn 99, Workaholics), along with her 3-month-old puppy Donut, joins to discuss her love of chains, her outsize appetite, and SoCal upscale barbecue chain Wood Ranch. And, Organic Gatorade is in the crosshairs in a new Drank or Stank.

Nick's intro[]


The Journal of Major George Washington

"Went into Alexandria to a barbecue and stayed all night."

That's dated May 27, 1769, and it comes from the journal of George Washington, commonly referred to in the U.S. as the "Father" of our country.

American barbecue dates to the early colonial days of the mid-17th century and came about after Spanish explorers transported pigs to the New World. While barbecue culture grew and continues to thrive primarily in the American South, it most certainly has spread nationwide. By some estimates, 75% of Americans consume barbecue on our Independence Day.

It was this national identity that two California restaurant-industry workers, UCLA business-school graduate Eric Anders and Israeli ex-pat Ofer Shemtov, aimed to capitalize on when they launched their own restaurant concept in 1992. Like industrialist hermit crabs, Anders and Shemtov found a failed barbecue restaurant in the Southern California community of Moorpark and converted it into their pilot location. As it became a hit, they repeated the process, absorbing a second failed restaurant in nearby Agoura Hills and converting it into a thriving outlet.

Twenty-five years later, the two founders now own the region's go-to chain for smoked sweet meats with sixteen locations across the Southland. It's been commended for having one of the top-ten kids' menus in America by Restaurant Hospitality magazine, and lauded as "barbecue king" by LA Weekly.

Locals may love it, but what about everyone else?

This week on Doughboys: Wood Ranch.

Fork rating[]

guest / host ordered rating
Nick Wiger
  • WR Margarita
  • Mushroom and Tri Tip Soup
  • Ethan's Brisket Sandwich
    • Skin-On Fries
4.5 forks
Mike Mitchell
  • Diet Coke
  • BBQ Chicken Potato Skins
  • Slider Lunch Special
    • Western Tri Tip BBQ Slider
    • CAB Slider
    • Chicken Tortilla Soup
    • Loaded Mashed Potato
2.5 forks
Esther Povitsky Oreo Cookie Crunch 4 forks

Esther only got dessert on her trip to Wood Ranch for the show, but has been many times and talked about her usual order (BBQ Chopped Salad and Guacamole & Chips).

Evan Susser went with Mitch (he ordered the same special as Mitch but with Skillet Baked Beans), and offered a 3 fork rating (not used in any calculations, despite Nick trying to use it to raise Mitch's rating).

Wood Ranch gained entry in the Shailene Woodley Club (the scores are... divergent).

Drank or Stank[]


Gatorade G Organic Strawberry Thirst Quencher

In Drank or Stank, the Doughboys have a drink and decide if it is 'good' or 'bad.'

For this episode, they try Gatorade G Organic Strawberry Thirst Quencher.

They gave it similarly divergent scores as they had to Wood Ranch: Nick liked it, Esther hated it, and Mitch was right in the middle, saying it wasn't either Drank or Stank (or perhaps it was both).

guest / host verdict
Nick Wiger Drank
Mike Mitchell Drank and Stank
Esther Povitsky Stank

Roast Spoonman[]


green Gamorrean

white Gamorrean

–Linus P. So

Hometown Heroes[]

Instead of playing a drop, Mitch plays some messages from his hometown Quincy Crew.

I just went to Wendy's on Newport. I ordered a JBC with a Frosty. I didn't even get a drink. Michelle, what did you order? We ordered food for Michelle, she's hammered. We go up to the window to pay and it was like twenty bucks. I go, "Dude, I need to take a piss." He goes, "Sorry, dude, we're closed." I was like, "Alright, man, it's either outside or inside. I'm gonna pee somewhere. I'm not peeing in my car." He said, "Alright, go pee outside." I ran out to the dumpster. I can't pee outside. They changed it. They renovated it so I can't pee by the dumpster anymore. One fork for not letting me go by the dumpster. I turn around because there's so much lighting out there. They put lighting by the dumpster to stop the peeing. You know that dumpster behind there! So then I come back to my car because I can't pee by the dumpster and the dude was there with food. He walked outside. It was wicked late. He was like "Did you go pee?" I said, "No, I don't need a spotlight on me when I pee." He said, "come inside." He let me go inside. It was sparkly clean and I peed inside and I had a great time and I came back in my car and I had my food and it was delicious. Five forks. Fuck you, Mitchell.



People go to clubs and dance. They groove! More power to you if you like to cut a rug.

–Nick Wiger

Nick: I'm talking about the common man, Mitch! I'm not talking about us LA types.

Mitch: You know nothing about us common men!
Nick: You're not a common man!!
Mitch: Yes I am! I'm the most common of men!!!!
Nick: You're a common fool.
Mitch: WHOA! How dare you?!!!!

–The Doughboys

If I was a God - which I hope to be someday - spilling is one of the things I'd get rid of. Spilling is a bummer.

–Mike Mitchell

[Bartender] passed me a Wood Ranch-branded post-meal wet nap. I cleaned myself right up at the table. I gave myself a whore's bath at the bar area of The Grove restaurant.

–Nick Wiger


  • #AHumansLife
  • #IRememberBeaucoup or #ImRichardLewis
  • #DumbestScientist

The Feedbag[]

As someone who grew up with raging atheists for parents, I always found eating at other people's houses for dinner to be kind of awkward when the family says Grace. I never knew whether to be a good little boy and bow my head and go along with the charade, or not compromise my beliefs and sit there with a blind stare in protest. Not to sound condescending, but I always found it bizarrely entertaining to keep my eyes open and watch people engaging in their worship. I understand it's a personal question, but I was curious where you stand on this.

–Graham Harris

guest / host should you bow your head in someone's house?
Nick Wiger common decency/courtesy of being respectful in someone's house
Mike Mitchell Mitch is a man who believes in God and ghosts and Frankensteins, but doesn't really practice any religion. thinks it's better to fit in in this case, and just bow your head.
Esther Povitsky you can bow your head and not give up your views


official visits location notes
Wood Ranch Los Angeles, CA Nick and Mitch went to the location by The Grove (separately)
Wood Ranch Burbank, CA Esther went to this location
restaurants referenced location notes
Wood Ranch Cerritos, CA Nick goes to this location with his family
Wendy's Quincy, MA Wootang gave five forks to the location on Newport Ave.
Hillstone / Bandera Nick and Esther love Bandera
Veggie Grill / Tender Greens


music notes
Dave Matthews Band in college, a cute girl brought Mitch a DMB CD (Live In Chicago)

Related Episodes[]

Esther Povitsky episodes

Photos (via @doughboyspod)[]
