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"White Bread with David Phillips" is an episode of the podcast, The Bread Cast, hosted by Joe Saunders. "White Bread with David Phillips" was released on September 28, 2018.



Host Joe Saunders is joined by guest David Phillips (Brooklyn 99) to taste and discuss Joe's attempt at a classic white bread, which did not turn out as planned.

Matzah rating[]


Basic White Bread 2

For this episode, Joe just wanted to make a simple yeast-based bread after doing a fancier bread in episode one. He chose a basic white bread and was frustrated in how it didn't rise or come out at all close to it should have.

Joe's recipe was for "Basic White Bread 2" from The Book of Bread by Judith and Evan Jones.

They rate it on inverse 1-10 scale of matzahs, with 10 being the worst and 1 being a fancy bakery version of matzah. David introduces five categories for his ratings, as well.

guest / host presentation appearance mouthfeel taste texture overall
Joe Saunders - - - - - 9 matzahs
David Phillips 1 matzah 10 matzahs 10 matzahs 3 matzahs 8 matzahs -

Surprise Rise[]


Cream Cheese Marbled Brownies

In Surprise Rise, Joe serves a second baked good!

For this episode, his surprise bake was some Cream Cheese Marbled Brownies.

They use the inverse 1-10 matzah scale, as above.

guest / host presentation appearance mouthfeel taste texture overall
Joe Saunders - - - - - 2 matzahs
David Phillips 2 matzah 1 matzah 1 matzah 1 matzah 1 matzah -


Is it true that your parents had a similar reaction when you were born? They were like "this is is the whitest, unbaked..."

–David Phillips

That's part of being on the podcast. You have to eat the whole thing. It looks like a potato in the middle of it.

–Joe Saunders on his failed white bread

I don't want to taint what this podcast is about.

–David Phillips on not sharing any plugs

Related Episodes[]

Bread Cast episodes Joe Saunders episodes David Phillips episodes

Photos (via @thebreadcast)[]
