"Wendy’s with Paul Rust" is Episode 39 of Doughboys, hosted by Mike Mitchell and Nick Wiger. "Wendy’s with Paul Rust" was released on February 25. 2016.
Mitch and Wiger are joined in studio by Paul Rust, the star and co-creator of Netflix’s Love, to discuss the burger business that Dave Thomas built: Wendy’s. And, the guys partake in yet another edition of Snack or Wack.
Nick's intro[]
"Where's the beef?"
This three-word sentence became a ubiquitous pop-culture catchphrase in 1984, in a burger chain's ad campaign featuring an enraged elderly woman. The franchise had been founded by an Ohio businessman named Dave Thomas who dreamed of opening a restaurant since he was eight years old, and who would become an even more beloved pitchman than this inquisitive actress. Thomas had named his eatery after his daughter, Melinda Lou, though she generally went by her nickname.
Inspired by a local haunt, Kewpee in Kalamazoo, Michigan, Thomas' burger joint prided itself on offering 1/4-pound patties shaped into squares and stacked 1-, 2-, or 3-high. The right-angled patty poked out of the edges of the bun, offering a character to its sandwiches as unique as Thomas himself.
The relative newcomer at just 46 years in operation - compared to 62 for Burger King and 75 for McDonald's - this franchise has prospered in America and abroad, merging with, and then spinning off, Canadian icon Tim Horton's, and growing to become the third-largest burger business in the world with its sandwiches, fries, and trademarked Frostys.
So where is the beef? There's one place you've always been able to find it.
This week on Doughboys: Wendy's.
Mitch's intro[]
July 2, 1932: Cries echo down the hallway of a small hospital in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
In the emergency room, a young, unwed, single mother cries out in pain as her legs sit in stirrups. Obeying doctor's orders, she pushes, breathes heavy in exhaustion, then pushes some more. Until finally... the head of a young child begins to crown at the top of her stretched-out vaginal cavity. And atop of that child's head, a single white curl. With one final push, the mother gives birth to a bespectacled baby boy... a boy that would be given the name of Dave.
And Dave would grow to become a man, who would eventually change everything.
Everything for one Mike Mitchell, for the fast-food industry, and for the world.
Today on Doughboys, we're talking Wendy's.
Fork rating[]
guest / host | ordered | rating |
Nick Wiger |
5 forks |
Mike Mitchell |
5 forks |
Paul Rust |
5 forks |
With these scores, Wendy's joins the Platinum Plate Club and the Hand-holding Club.
Snack or Wack[]
In Snack or Wack, the Doughboys have a snack and decide if it is 'good' or 'bad'.
For this episode, they sample The Cookie Dough Café Cookies & Cream Edible Cookie Dough, which Van Robichaux brought to Jack Allison's birthday, and Mitch took it.
They found it pretty confusing in concept, but Mitch and Paul kind of dug it.
guest / host | rating |
Nick Wiger | Wack |
Mike Mitchell | Snack |
Paul Rust | Snack |
“ | Thanks for reading your jerk-off fanfic from the preggo.org forums, you sick fuck. | ” |
–Nick Wiger, on Mitch's intro |
“ | Nick, back me up. When you get a girl pregnant, don't you have to piss blood in her pussy? | ” |
–Nick's friend, Larry |
“ | I'm sorry, Mitch. Do you have any more family trauma to guilt me with? | ” |
–Nick Wiger |
“ | Mitch: When I was eating keto... Paul: It's pronounced Cheetos. |
” |
–Mike Mitchell and Paul Rust |
- #IWatchLoveIListenToDough
- #CumMistake
- #Mitch'sBugJoke
The Feedbag[]
“ | I notice that when you're really into something it can go two ways. One way is that you like a type of food so much that you like all forms of it, even the low-quality versions (I like nice sushi but I also love grocery-store spicy tuna rolls). The other way is that you like something so much that you can no longer eat the low quality version of it. Thoughts and theories? | ” |
–Tim Treese |
guest / host | only the best | any type is fine | prefers the bad version |
Nick Wiger |
Mike Mitchell |
Paul Rust |
restaurants referenced | location | notes |
Wendy's | Long Beach, CA | where Nick once found a condom in a parking lot |
Poquito Más | Los Angeles, CA |
Plugs and Drops[]
references | notes |
Netflix's Love | Paul's plug |
South Park / Saturday Night Live / The Chappelle Show (tv) / Soundgarden "Spoonman" | Mitch's drop |
The Simpsons / Saturday Night Live / Senator Lloyd Bentsen / The Matrix / Rednex "Cotton Eyed Joe" | Nick's drop |