Doughboys Wikia

"Tropical Freeze with Jason Schreier" is an episode of the premium-content podcast, Doughboys Double, hosted by Mike Mitchell and Nick Wiger. "Tropical Freeze with Jason Schreier" was released on May 15, 2018.


"Tomorrow on the Double... We're finally back to kick some tail...." - @doughboyspod


News editor for Kotaku and author Jason Schreier (Blood, Sweat, and Pixels) joins Mitch and Wiger for a discussion of NYC eats, the appropriate heat level for wing sauce, and to review the newest expansion of the DK universe for Nintendo Switch: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze.

Funky Bandana rating[]

In this episode, The Doughboys talk through the new Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze game.


Funky Kong in his bandana

They rate it on a scale of 0-5 Funky Bandanas. Jason doesn't want to rate it, but liked the game a lot.

guest / host rating
Nick Wiger 5 Funky Bandanas
Mike Mitchell 4.5 Funky Bandanas
Jason Schreier -


Bot recognize Bot.

–Mitch, on Nick noticing the quiet dishwasher

Funky Kong is the biggest asshole in the Donkey Kong kingdom.

–Jason Schreier

Nick: You know what's Donkey Kong's favorite frozen treat?

Mitch: What's that?
Nick: Frozen banana!

–Nick Wiger, comedian


  • #GamerBully
  • #FrozenEat


