"Tossed Salads and Scrambled Egg Nog with Dan Lippert" is an episode of the premium-content podcast, Doughboys Double, hosted by Mike Mitchell and Nick Wiger. "Tossed Salads and Scrambled Egg Nog with Dan Lippert" was released on December 1, 2020.

"Tomorrow on the Double... with Dan Lippert" - @doughboyspod
Dan Lippert (Big Grande Teachers' Lounge, Man Dog Pod) joins the 'boys to talk egg nog and review the first episode of Frasier in another edition of the Doughboys Pilot Program.
Doughboys Pilot Program 👨🏻✈️📺[]
In this segment, The Doughboys watch the pilot episode of a television show and discuss it.
For this episode, they watch the pilot for the classic Cheers spin-off, Frasier. The pilot was called "The Good Son" and originally aired in September 1993.

The Pilot Program rating scale is usually airline classes, but today, they rate it out of 5 Eddie turds (Eddie is the dog on Frasier) (Eddie's turds are good).
guest / host | rating |
Nick Wiger | 5 Eddie turds |
Mike Mitchell | 5+++ Eddie turds |
Dan Lippert | 5 Eddie turds |
Nog Talk 🥚 🥛 🎄[]

Garelick Farms Holiday Eggnog
The Doughboys close the show (and the Frasier pun) with a discussion about egg nog.
Nick thinks "nog is a slog" and doesn't particularly like it. Dan finds it mostly a curiosity. Emma doesn't like eggnog at all.
Mitch has a glass of Garelick Farms Holiday Eggnog. He was unsure the proper way to drink it (cold, warm, with ice, boozy?). He drinks it first plain and then mixes rum (from his Mum) into it, before deciding he is not a Noghead and rates it out of Eddie turds as well.
host | drink | rating |
Mike Mitchell | Garelick Farms Holiday Eggnog | 2.5 Eddie turds |
Mike Mitchell | Garelick Farms Holiday Eggnog with rum | 2.75 Eddie turds |
“ | Reindeers are gettin' horny. | ” |
–Nick Wiger re: the Christmas season |
“ | Don't mind me, by the way. I'm opening a thing of chili. | ” |
–Mike Mitchell |
“ | The slow decay of time just never stops making you feel like a piece of shit. | ” |
–Nick Wiger, philosopher |
“ | Sorry if this is an old reference, I'm not sure if I'm up-to-date, but Nick, were you mad that the salad wasn't too warm? | ” |
–Dan Lippert fitting right in |
Related Episodes[]
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