Doughboys Wikia

"Toast 0: Bread with Erin Whitehead" is an episode of the premium-content podcast, Doughboys Double, hosted by Nick Wiger and Mike Mitchell. "Toast 0: Bread with Erin Whitehead" was released on July 9, 2024.


"Tomorrow on the Double… with Erin Whitehead" - @doughboyspod


Erin Whitehead (@girlwithatail, College Town) joins the 'boys to talk generations, Los Angeles hot spots, and college dining halls before talking all things bread.

Toast 0[]

The first Toast episode (also with Erin) saw The Doughboys back in 2018 simply discussing their favorite options for toast.

Then in early 2024, they followed that up with an episode (not with Erin) in which they tried five types of toast with a variety of spreads and choosing their favorites.

For this episode, they discuss pre-toast: bread. (This is the prequel to the first two eps.)

Mitch asks them the very hard question to choose bread or toast, but bread can still be warmed up and croutons might be considered toast.

guest / host bread or toast?
Nick Wiger bread
Mike Mitchell bread
Erin Whitehead bread


Mitch: There's a couple of rules with women who guest on the show: they have to go on one date with me.

Erin: We did that, and it was super fun. He said I could fuck him or do the podcast...

–Mitch's dates

I'm a Willennial. I like a smack sometimes.

–Mike Mitchell

Erin: I would die if I saw Tom Selleck.

Nick: I used to have a poster of Tom Selleck!
Erin: Was it the one where he's shirtless with a phone?
Nick: He's shirtless with a phone, yea. I had that in my dorm room. It's great.

–Erin and Nick

Which Ninja Turtle would you suck off?

–Mike Mitchell


reference notes
College Town Erin's plug

Related Episodes[]

Toast episodes Erin Whitehead episodes


