"The McList" is an episode of the premium-content podcast, Doughboys Double, hosted by Nick Wiger and Mike Mitchell. "The McList" was released on November 5, 2024.
Mitch and Wiger discuss early McDonald's experiences, PlayPlaces, and their go-to orders before curating their ideal guestlist for the ultimate McDonald's episode.

"Tomorrow on the Double…" - @doughboyspod
The McList[]
In this episode, Nick and Mitch decide on their ten possible guests for the ultimate McDonald's episodes. Both must agree to said guest to make the list.
There were so many names, they decide this is just a rough draft brain session and they'll finalize the final list later in "The McList 2" (by the end of 2024). Once there is a final list of ten guests, the Doughboys will reach out to all of them to appear on the show.
locked on the McList | agreement for The McList | people on the bubble | people vetoed from The McList |

Officer Big Mac
Nick and Mitch discuss many different things in this very serious episode.
host | Fast-Food Triforce | common McDonald's order |
Nick Wiger |
| |
Mike Mitchell |
- #WhatsYourTriforce or #HeresMyTriforce
“ | I do remember the first time I had a McDonald's hash brown. That was a revelation for me. | ” |
–Nick Wiger |
“ | When I was a kid, I don't remember kids shitting in [McDonald's Ball Pits] as much. I know that's what happens all the time now. | ” |
–Mike Mitchell |
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