"The Last Jedi with Drew McWeeny" is Episode 44 of the premium-content podcast, Doughboys Double, hosted by Mike Mitchell and Nick Wiger. "The Last Jedi with Drew McWeeny" was released on January 8, 2018.
Film writer Drew McWeeny ('80s All Over, The Tracking Board) returns to the pod to join Mitch & Wiger in reviewing the polarizing newest entry to the Star Wars franchise, The Last Jedi.
(For the spoiler averse: TLJ discussion begins around 30:30.)
Favorite Films of 2017 🎥[]
Before getting into this episode's specific film, they talk a lot about current films.
Nick and Mitch each offer up their three favorite films of 2017.
host | 🎥 | 🎥 | 🎥 |
Nick Wiger | |||
Mike Mitchell |
Dinner is the Movie 🍽️ 📽️[]
In Dinner is the Movie, The Doughboys have a deep-dive discussion on one specific movie.
For this episode, as the title implies, they jump into the then-current Star Wars film, The Last Jedi.
They rate it on a scale of 0 - 8 BB-8s.
Nick and Drew enjoyed it a lot; Mitch, you may have heard, isn't a fan.
guest / host | rating |
Nick Wiger | BB-7 |
Mike Mitchell | BB-2E |
Drew McWeeny | BB-7 |
“ | We're talking about films that maybe have a political angle that could maybe have an impact on award season. There's that film about our President: The Boss Baby. | ” |
–Nick Wiger |
“ | I wanted more creatures. One of the big creatures we see is a sight gag for Luke to drink milk out of its tit! | ” |
–Mike Mitchell re: The Last Jedi |
Related Episodes[]
Star Wars episodes | Drew McWeeny episodes |