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"The Habit with Emmy Blotnick" is Episode 239 of Doughboys, hosted by Mike Mitchell and Nick Wiger. "The Habit with Emmy Blotnick" was released on February 20, 2020.


"Tomorrow..." - @doughboyspod


Emmy Blotnick (The Colbert Show, Conan) joins the boys to try recent Yum! Brands acquisition, the Santa Barbara founded burger chain The Habit Burger Grill. Plus, a fresh new edition of Ch-Ch-Ch-Chips Inhale.

Nick's intro[]

"No! If anyone orders Merlot, I'm leaving. I am not drinking any fucking Merlot!"



This line, delivered by high-functioning alcoholic Miles, as portrayed by Paul Giamatti, is from the critically-acclaimed 2004 Alexander Payne film, Sideways, in which two middle-aged college friends tour the vineyards of Santa Barbara County. The indie hit and its memorable quote had a tangible impact on U.S. wine sales. Miles' distaste for the grape reduced the volume of Merlot sold by about 10%, while significantly increasing that of his preferred varietal, pinot noir.

Santa Barbara's wineries are its most well-known contribution to California's culinary culture. Combined with the fermented-grape output of NorCal's Napa Valley, it's made the Golden State a top-5 wine producer in the world.

But Santa Barbara County also produced another notable food-industry institution: a charbroiled-burger stand founded in 1969 in the seaside town of Goleta. Serving its signature Charburgers along with real ice-cream shakes, the restaurant found a following among SoCal surfer-dude locals and visiting wine tourists.

In 1982, long-time employees/brothers, Brent and Bruce Reichard, borrowed money from their mother to purchase the eatery from its original owner and began adding locations throughout the county and the state. By 2020, the Charburger purveyor had grown like a Cabernet grapevine into nearly 300 outlets in a dozen states, and was an enticing enough property that it was metaphorically gobbled up by chain restaurant titans Yum! Brands for 375 million dollars.

Yum!, the owner of KFC, Pizza Hut, and Taco Bell, now has its first hamburger brand, growing its tri-force of taste into a four-headed Mount Munchmore.

So does the Goleta burgery live up to the high standards set by the wineries of Santa Barbara County?

Or after this meal, will we say, to paraphrase Giamatti, "I am not eating any fucking Charburgers?"

This week on Doughboys: The Habit.

Fork rating[]

guest / host ordered rating
Nick Wiger
  • Peach & Ginger Nectar
  • Double Charburger
  • Vanilla Malt
  • BBQ Bacon Charburger (on a different visit)
3 forks
Mike Mitchell
  • Strawberry Limeade
  • Double Charburger
  • Oreo Shake
3.5 forks
Emmy Blotnick
  • Charburger
  • Chocolate Malt
3 forks
  • Parmesan Ciabatta Golden Chicken Sandwich
  • Ahi Tuna Filet Sandwich
  • French Fries
  • Sweet Potato Fries
  • Tempura Green Beans
  • Onion Rings

Chips Inhale: Res-Chew Rangers[]


Lime & Jalapeño Ruffles

In this segment, The Doughboys have a bunch of chips and they eat them all.

For this episode, they try the new limited-edition Lime & Jalapeño Ruffles, which are branded with Los Angeles Lakers superstar, Anthony Davis.

Everyone seems somewhat turned off by the Lime flavor of the chips. Nick, as a Lakers fan, says they're good anyway.

guest / host rating
Nick Wiger Snack
Mike Mitchell Wack
Emmy Blotnick Wack

Roast Spoonman[]


Joaquin Phoenix

Guac-uin Phoenix

–Eric Metsuda


Emmy: There was a Chili's where you would go get fingered if you were popular.

Mitch: I got fingered there once.

–Emmy & Mitch re: the Chili's in Cambridge, MA

Mitch: Ian Holm?

Nick: Ian Holm.
Mitch: Ian Holm.
Nick: Ian Holm.

–The Doughboys

Can I tell you my issue with Stuffed French Toast? I just feel like it's a bad name because every French Toast is stuffed because I'm stuffed when I eat it.

–Nick Wiger

I'm surprised it's taken you this long to get a straw on your key chain.

–Nick Wiger

Mitch: I brought (a tempura green bean) home. I'm gonna bury it in the backyard and hope more grow.

Emmy: A tempura beanstalk?
Nick: You climb to the top of it and the giant's like, "Another one of me!"

–Mitch and the Giant Beanstalk

Mitch: I'm fucking bombing left and right here. Just bleep me out of the episode.

Nick: I'm not gonna bleep everything you say.
Mitch: You gotta. I want you to.
Nick: I'm not gonna do it.

–The Doughboys


  • #DeepDips

The Feedbag[]

My question is related to birthday feasts, as mine is tomorrow. I have quite the agenda planned. I credit bingeing 100s of hours of Doughboys for this idea. For breakfast, I'm going two Chick-fil-A breakfast sandwiches. For lunch/dinner, Popeye's bucket - mix of spicy dark and white, with Cajun fries and red beans and rice as sides. I'll probably wrap up with DQ treat for dessert.

Have you ever had a birthday feast planned where you pig out at multiple places during the day? If not, what's your dream chain day?

–Corey in Delaware

Related Episodes[]

The Habit episodes Emmy Blotnick episodes

