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"The Great Shrimp Off with Sean Clements and Hayes Davenport" is Episode 127 of Doughboys, hosted by Mike Mitchell and Nick Wiger. "The Great Shrimp Off with Sean Clements and Hayes Davenport" was released on October 26, 2017.


"Tomorrow... #Jockdoughberfest concludes with the fiercest competition in chain restaurant podcasting" - @doughboyspod


The exciting conclusion of Jockdoughberfest 2017 takes us to Red Lobster for the long-awaited Great Shrimp Off! Recorded live at a Red Lobster in Canoga Park, CA, the 'boys go head to head against Sean Clements & Hayes Davenport, hosts of Hollywood Handbook, as they compete in the pinnacle of athleticism and eating.

Nick's intro[]


1869 Cincinnati Red Stockings

1869: a faction of amateur American baseball clubs including the Cincinnati Red Stockings, the Boston Red Stockings, and the St. Louis Brown Stockings, converged to form the first U.S. pro league, the National Association of Professional Baseball Players. Though a bold experiment, by 1875, the fledgling organization had disbanded, with most of its franchises reforming as the newly organized National League of Professional Baseball Clubs.

Later, in 1895, Ban Johnson ascended to leadership of baseball's floundering Western League and revamped and rebranded it as the American League of Professional Baseball Clubs.

In 1903, these two dominant U.S. baseball federations - the National League and the American League - began matching up their champions to determine an overall winner in a succession of games dubbed, in characteristically ethnocentric American hubris, The World Series. This tradition has carried on to this day with the 113th contest currently underway between the NL's Los Angeles Dodgers and the AL's Houston Astros.

Flashback 150,000 years to an even older and more universal tradition: the human consumption of shellfish.

Two caves uncovered by paleoanthropologists - one in South Africa, one in the south of Spain - show that prehistoric Neanderthals and other human ancestors consumed mussels, oysters, and prawns (most commonly referred to in the U.S. as shrimp). While the Jewish kosher law of the Old Testament outright forbade their consumption, designating them "abominations," shellfish was still eaten across the globe, among indigenous people of the Americas, in southeast Asia, and in ancient Greece.

Today, unrelenting worldwide demand for shrimp and prawns has led to an international fishing trade rife with labor abuses and large-scale farming and trawling techniques with untold ecological consequences.

And now, as Jockdoughberfest 2017 concludes, these two pillars of civilization converge: world-class competition and shrimp consumption.

Who among us can eat the most pink shrimpies?

This week on Doughboys, coming to you live from Red Lobster in Canoga Park, California, it's The Great Shrimp Off.

The Great Shrimp Off 🍤[]


The agreed-upon rules for The Great Shrimp Off are:

  1. 30-minute time limit, beginning when the shrimps arrive
  2. sides are on the sideline [in the end, they did count sides for points though - ed.]
  3. any style of shrimp is game
  4. a lobster counts as 1.5 shrimp
  5. Chedder Bay Biscuits count as bonus biscuit points (i.e., 3 shrimp points)
  6. at the end, whoever has eaten the most shrimp, that TEAM wins
guest / host Sides Shrimp Orders result
Nick Wiger
  • Clam Chowder
  • Side Salad
  • Mediterranean
  • Nashville Hot
  • Hand-breaded
  • Nashville Hot
  • Scampi
  • 24 points
    • 19 shrimp
    • 1 biscuit
    • 1 app
Mike Mitchell
  • Coke
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Garden Salad
  • Hand-Breaded
  • Coconut
  • Nashville Hot
  • Coconut
  • Garlic-grilled
  • Garlic-grilled
  • 68 points
    • 55 shrimp
    • 3 biscuits
    • 1 app
    • 1 side
Sean Clements
  • Asparagus
  • Caesar Salad
  • Coconut
  • Nashville Hot
  • Garlic-grilled
  • Garlic-grilled
  • Nashville Hot
  • 62 points
    • 49 shrimp
    • 3 biscuits
    • 1 app
    • 1 side
Hayes Davenport
  • Broccoli
  • Garden Salad
  • Mediterranean
  • Garlic-grilled
  • Garlic-grilled
  • Mediterranean
  • Garlic-grilled
  • Garlic-grilled
  • 80 pts
    • 69! shrimps
    • 3 biscuits
    • 1 app

Team Hollywood Handbook wins!

Roast Spoonman[]


Kevin McHale

Kevin McWhale

–Larry from Long Island


Shrimp is a nice sound. The eating of shrimp is the one food that sounds really good.

–Sean Clements

I'm going to dip mine in my water. I thought we were eating cocktail shrimp, so I basically made cocktail shrimp at the table.

–Hayes Davenport

What is the shrimp value if you eat a napkin?

–Nick Wiger

I have to issue a warning: stick to your own plates.

–Yusong Lu

Hayes: How many is that for me, Yusong? And say it right into the mic.

Yusong: Sixty-nine shrimp.
Hayes: Yeah!
Angel: That's funny!
Hayes: Yes!
Angel: I was going to tell you - you guys are at table 69 too!


The Feedbag[]

When I was younger, we would meet my Dad for his lunch break at Subway. I am never excited to eat Subway, but it's always been there as a quick lunch option. That being said, I truly cannot think of another restaurant that would approach its top slot in "Most Visited." Which restaurant do you think you've eaten at the most?

–Shawn Darling

Related Episodes[]

Jockdoughberfest episodes Red Lobster episodes Sean Clements and/or Hayes Davenport episodes


