Doughboys Wikia

"Maynk Doughscord Doughcision: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo with Jefferson Dutton" is an episode of the premium-content podcast, Doughboys Double, hosted by Nick Wiger and Mike Mitchell. "Maynk Doughscord Doughcision: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo with Jefferson Dutton" was released on May 16, 2023.


"Tomorrow on the Double… with Jefferson Dutton" - @doughboyspod


Jefferson Dutton (The Sloppy Boys, The Birthday Boys) joins the 'boys to talk wing sauces before continuing Maynk with a review of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, chosen by The Doughscord in this month's Doughscord Doughcision.

The Maynk Theme Song[]


Garbage "Only Happy When It Rains"

I'm only happy when it's Maynk
I'm only happy when I watch Da Finchman
The Game or Zodiac or Benji Button
I'm only happy when it's Maynk
The Social Network or the Panic Room
Se7en, Girl with The Dragon Tattoo
Fight Club, Alien 3, and Mank

Pour your Finchery down
Pour your Finchery down on me

–sung by Ariana Lenarsky

Dinner is the Movie: Maynk[]


The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

In this recurring segment, and sometimes full episodes or even theme months, the Doughboys take a deep dive into one specific film. After a few months of declaring love for Da Finchman, for Maynk 2023, they devote the Doubles to films directed by David Fincher.

For this episode, they look at Fincher's 2011 film, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. This movie won a poll on the Doughscord about which Fincher project they should cover.

During Maynk, they rate the movie on a scale of 0-10 inches of Affleck Hog.

All three enjoy it, while recognizing it is a difficult watch.

guest / host rating
Nick Wiger 7 inches
Mike Mitchell 8 inches
Jefferson Dutton 7 inches
Casey Donahue 8 inches
Emma Erdbrink 6 inches


  • #FincherFan


Wiger and I do a hundred takes of our ad reads. Would you sum us up as 'Kubrickian'?

–Mike Mitchell re: Stanley Kubrick

What do you think Da Finchy Code is?

–Mike Mitchell re: Da Finchman

Related Episodes[]

Maynk and Junek episodes Jefferson Dutton episodes


