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"Octdoughberfest 2019: The Ate-TL: Deliveryance" is an episode of the premium-content podcast, Doughboys Double, hosted by Mike Mitchell and Nick Wiger. "The Ate-TL: Deliveryance" was released on October 22, 2019.


"Tomorrow on the Double..." - @doughboyspod


The 'boys are on opposite coasts, but still sit down for an extended segment of Cereal with a variety of General Mills' Halloween cereals. Plus, we discuss John Boorman's 1972 film set in Atlanta: Deliverance.


In Cereal, a segment told one bowl at a time, The Doughboys try different varieties of cereals.

For this Halloween episode, they have some Halloween-themed cereals: Franken Berry, Boo Berry, Count Chocula, and Halloween Crunch.

(Mitch was unable to find Count Chocula, and had Halloween Crunch instead. He's still in Atlanta; the others are at home.)

guest / host 1st 2nd 3rd
Nick Wiger Count Chocula Franken Berry Boo Berry
Mike Mitchell Halloween Crunch Franken Berry Boo Berry
Yusong Liu Count Chocula Boo Berry Franken Berry
Emma Erdbrink Count Chocula Franken Berry Boo Berry

Dinner is the Movie[]



In Dinner is the Movie, The Doughboys have a deep-dive discussion about one particular film.

For this episode of The Ate-TL, they talk about the 1972 film, Deliverance, which takes place in the backwoods of Georgia. Also its creepiness fit the Halloween theme of this episode.

They rate the film on of a scale of 5 Ned Beatty's Tighty Whities filled with Franken Berry cereal.

Both of them really enjoyed the film.

guest / host rating
Nick Wiger 5 Tighty Whities
Mike Mitchell 5 Tighty Whities


Mitch, you're kind of a Franken Berry.

–Nick Wiger

Is he a dead bellhop?

–Nick Wiger re: Boo Berry

Nick: Should we go on a Deliverance-style canoeing trip? The four of us?

Emma Fuck yea. Let's go whitewater rafting.
Nick: Emma will survive. Yusong and I will be shot with crossbows. And Mitch, you might survive, but you'll be broken as a man for the rest of your life.

–on an upcoming Double

When you broke your radial head, did you feel like a creep?

–Yusong Liu


  • #BadWood

Related Episodes[]

The Ate-TL episodes


