"TakeOver: Chicago with Mike Carlson" is an episode of the premium-content podcast, Doughboys Double, hosted by Mike Mitchell and Nick Wiger. "TakeOver: Chicago with Mike Carlson" was released on June 26, 2018.

"Tomorrow on the Double... the square circle...." - @doughboyspod
Chicagoan and smark Mike Carlson (Conan, Podcast: The Ride) joins to discuss new developments in the world of theme parks, must-eats in the Windy City, and to do a match-by-match recap and analysis of WWE's recent NXT event, TakeOver: Chicago II.
[There aren't any ratings or segments in this episode. - ed.]
“ | Ohhhh Niiiiick, I weigh less than Jabba! | ” |
–Mike Mitchell |
“ | Try to keep it Disney, I say. | ” |
–Mike Mitchel not approving the swear chant at the wrestling match |
“ | Nick: Maybe we'll book a show in Chicago. Maybe we'll see if we can make that happen. Mitch: Wrigley? I think we can play in between innings. |
” |
–Doughboys live show in a baseball stadium |
- #DoubleItUp vs. #DoubleItDown
- #DoughboysTakeOver vs. #IStoppedListening40MinutesAgo
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