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"Munch Madness: Taco Bell Round 1 with Carl Tart" is Episode 436 of Doughboys, hosted by Nick Wiger and Mike Mitchell. "Munch Madness: Taco Bell Round 1 with Carl Tart" was released on March 7, 2024.


"Tomorrow… with Carl Tart" - @doughboyspod


Carl Tart (@dammitcarl, XOXO Gossip Kings) joins the 'boys and Commissioner Evan Susser to go over tournament rules before tackling the Goop region of For Whom the Bell Doughs: Munch Madness 2024: The Tournament of Chompions IX: Dough Quiero Talk-O'-Bell!

Nick's intro[]

Taco Bell is a brand that believes in Living Mas. You are all examples of the Live Mas mentality.


Dave Navarro on Ink Master

These immortal words were spoken by guitarist/host, Dave Navarro on season five, episode ten of the Spike TV tattoo competition show Ink Master. This accidental theater of the absurd has lived on in a meme with a greater legacy than the reality series itself.

And today, as we begin our own annual competition show, we too aim to embody the Live Mas mentality, as we do a top-to-bottom evaluation of the full menu of our perhaps most discussed and definitely most beloved fast-food franchise.

The field has been subdivided by menu category into six group, or goop, stages - two of which will be hashed out today: tacos and drinks.

Savory bites and saccharine sips. Liquid sugar and molten meat. Crunchy and soft, frozen and, still ice cold, but not, like, fully frozen. How do these beefy crunchers stack up against these sweetie quenchers? We’ll decide live, Mas!

This week on Doughboys… the first two Goop Stages of For Whom The Bell Doughs: Munch Madness 2024: The Tournament of Chompions IX: Dough Quiero Talk-o'-Bell: Tacos y Drinks!

Ring the bell!


Dough Quiero Talk-O'-Bell rules 🔔📜[]


Commissioner Evan Susser joins the podcast to discuss the rules of this year's Tournament:

  1. Everyone is here: this is a comprehensive tournament. Drinks are out of the stink, sides are off the sidelines.
  2. Spice up the night, not the morning: no breakfast items in this year's tournament.
  3. Is a Pepsi ok?: only drinks exclusive to Taco Bell will be considered, but Pepsi will be considered.
  4. Yum yum yum: there will be a Yum! Brands All-Star Category in the Tournament, including Pizza Hut, KFC, and The Habit.
  5. Don't veg out, veg in! (by any beans necessary): any meat or veggie protein is valid on any item.
  6. If it's seasonable, it's unreasonable: only using the February 2024 menu.
  7. The spice is not right: the Evan Saucer's Sauce Boss competition was unsanctioned and The Doughboys can use any sauce. However, listeners may only use the Sauce Queen, Hot Sauce Packet, on their own trips to Taco Bell.
  8. I have a cream: for each group stage, The Doughboys may, but don't have to, pick Jen D'Angelo's Sour Cream of the Crop Award for funniest plausible winner of a round.
  9. For the end of the list, a twist: Evan Susser can use three Commissioner Cinnamon Twists to increase excitement whenever he sees fit.

Dough Quiero Talk-O'-Bell: Goop Region: Drinks 🔔🥤[]

Twelve drinks are under consideration for the Drinks Goop Region: Brisk Dragon Paradise Sparkling Iced Tea, Double Berry Freeze, Wild Strawberry Freeze, Blue Raspberry Freeze, Mtn Dew Baja Blast Freeze, Pepsi, Mtn Dew Baja Blast, Mtn Dew Baja Blast Zero Sugar, Brisk Mango Fiesta, Dole Lemonade Strawberry Squeeze, Hot Cinnabon Delights Coffee, and Iced Cinnabon Delights Coffee.

The Doughboys decide on the top two drinks to advance.

guest / host top two middle ranking bottom ranking last place
Nick Wiger
  • Brisk Dragon Paradise Sparkling Iced Tea
  • Double Berry Freeze
  • Pepsi
  • Mtn Dew Baja Blast
  • Blue Raspberry Freeze
  • Mtn Dew Baja Blast Freeze
  • Wild Strawberry Freeze
  • Brisk Mango Fiesta
  • Hot Cinnabon Delights Coffee
  • Iced Cinnabon Delights Coffee
Dole Lemonade Strawberry Squeeze
Mike Mitchell
  • Mtn Dew Baja Blast Freeze
  • Mtn Dew Baja Blast
  • Wild Strawberry Freeze
  • Pepsi
  • Mtn Dew Baja Blast Zero Sugar
  • Brisk Mango Fiesta
  • Brisk Dragon Paradise Sparkling Iced Tea
  • Hot Cinnabon Delights Coffee
Iced Cinnabon Delights Coffee
Carl Tart
  • Mtn Dew Baja Blast
  • Pepsi
  • Brisk Mango Fiesta
  • Mtn Dew Baja Blast Freeze
  • Wild Strawberry Freeze
  • Dole Lemonade Strawberry Squeeze
  • Blue Raspberry Freeze
  • Brisk Dragon Paradise Sparkling Iced Tea
  • Hot Cinnabon Delights Coffee
Iced Cinnabon Delights Coffee

The two drinks to advance out of the region are thus: Mtn Dew Baja Blast and Mtn Dew Baja Blast Freeze!

The Jen D'Angelo Sour Cream of the Crop Award goes to Pepsi.

Dough Quiero Talk-O'-Bell: Goop Region: Tacos 🔔🌮[]

Eight tacos are under consideration for the Tacos Goop Region: Double Stacked Taco, Soft Taco, Soft Taco Supreme, Spicy Potato Soft Taco, Crunchy Taco, Crunchy Taco Supreme, Nacho Cheese Doritos Locos Taco, and Nacho Cheese Doritos Locos Taco Supreme.

The Doughboys decide on the top two tacos to advance.

guest / host top two middle rankings bottom rankings last place
Nick Wiger
  • Nacho Cheese Doritos Locos Taco
  • Spicy Potato Soft Taco
  • Crunchy Taco
  • Nacho Cheese Doritos Locos Taco Supreme
  • Double Stacked Taco
  • Soft Taco Supreme
  • Crunchy Taco Supreme
Soft Taco
Mike Mitchell
  • Nacho Cheese Doritos Locos Taco Supreme
  • Nacho Cheese Doritos Locos Taco
  • Crunchy Taco Supreme
  • Spicy Potato Soft Taco
  • Double Stacked Taco
  • Soft Taco Supreme
Soft Taco
Carl Tart
  • Crunchy Taco Supreme
  • Spicy Potato Soft Taco
  • Double Stacked Taco

Carl always orders Supreme versions of any of the tacos, so just did that. Nick and Natalie agree that non-Supreme Tacos are preferable to the Supreme.

Nick got beans in all eight of his tacos.

They also all tried the Cheesy Chicken Crispanada, though that is not part of this Region. Nick also mistakenly ordered a Chalupa.

The two tacos to advance out of the region are thus: Nacho Cheese Doritos Locos Taco Supreme and Spicy Potato Soft Taco!

The Jen D'Angelo Sour Cream of the Crop Award also goes to Spicy Potato Soft Taco.

[Update: This group was declared incomplete because a number of Tacos items were not included. The two winning items get compared to the excluded items in this episode.]

Dough Quiero Talk-O'-Bell: Jess McKenna Rule (by Lamar Woods)[]


The Lamar Woods Rule for the Tournament will have The Doughboys decide which Taco Bell item is given to Austin Butler!

The losing items will be eaten by Sandworms.

Dough Quiero Talk-O'-Bell: Goop Winners[]

Thus, after Round 1, the items advancing to the Tournament bracket are:

  • Mtn Dew Baja Blast
  • Mtn Dew Baja Blast Freeze
  • Spicy Potato Soft Taco
  • Nacho Cheese Doritos Locos Taco

(Update: the Nacho Cheese Doritos Locos Taco will be swapped out in Round 3.)

Roast Spoonman[]


Paul Atreides

Paul Entréeides


Minions and Sonic the Hedgehog Questions[]

  • Can you confirm or deny the rumor that in Despicable Me 4, there will be a joke about Minion Otto having a banana stuck in his braces?
  • Can you confirm the rumored Minions and Sonic the Hedgehog crossover where Stuart rides Big the Cat?


I got news. I'm gonna be a four-eyed dork. I'm getting glasses.

–Mike Mitchell

Carl: I'm a sweets guy. My last name may be Tart, but I'm sweet.

Mitch: My last name may be Mitchell... ah fuck there's nothing that really works.

–The Doughboys

You know me. I'm the seventh Doughboy. Seven is the number of completion. After me, there are no more Doughboys.

–Carl Tart


  • #HotDogKingorQueen

The Feedbag[]

What are your favorite hot dogs, whether from chains or local spots?

–Taylor from NC

guest / host favorite hot dogs
Nick Wiger
Mike Mitchell
  • Dog Haus
  • grilled dog at home
Carl Tart
  • steamed dog from a cart
  • LA Street Dog (bacon wrapped) from a cart
  • 7-Eleven Big Bite


restaurants referenced notes
Taco John's some recollection of the live show with Carl
Tilted Kilt / Hooters / Twin Peaks possible choices for Horny Chain Month

Drops and Songs and Plugs[]

reference notes
Phish "Weigh" in Mitch's drop by Maclaine Diemer
Jackson Browne "The Load Out" Mitch sings this
Willie Nelson "On The Road Again" Nick sings this

Related Episodes[]

Dough Quiero Talk-O'-Bell episodes Taco Bell episodes Carl Tart episodes


