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"Taco Bell 5 with Christine Nangle & Carl Tart (Live)" is Episode 302 of Doughboys, hosted by Mike Mitchell and Nick Wiger. "Taco Bell 5 with Christine Nangle & Carl Tart (Live)" was released on May 27, 2021.


"Tomorrow... with Christine Nangle and Carl Tart" - @doughboyspod


Christine Nangle & Carl Tart join the 'boys for the first live episode of the Doughathon and review Taco Bell.

[This episode was recorded live on April 30, 2021, as part of the 25-hour Doughathon live stream. - ed.]

Nick's intro[]

Growing up in a rural town in Kyoto Prefecture, Shigeru Miyamoto never dreamed of becoming a video-game designer; after all, the profession didn't even exist at the time. But in 1977, when fresh out of industrial-design school, he was hired by playing-card and toy company, Nintendo, to work in its burgeoning arcade division, the path was laid for Miyamoto to be the Shakespeare of his form. After working as an artist and designer on lesser memorable titles like Sheriff and Popeye, in 1981, he created two icons in one shot with his game Donkey Kong, which in addition to its barrel-tossing ape antagonist also introduced mustachioed protagonist Jumpman, aka. Mario.


Shigeru Miyamoto

Miyamoto followed the arcade sensation with two genre-defining home-console classics: Super Mario Bros., which established the side-scrolling platformer, and, if not his masterpiece, the game that set the table for masterpieces to come, The Legend of Zelda, one of the earliest instances of the open-world action RPG. Inspired by Miyamoto's childhood exploration of the caves, The Legend of Zelda sees protagonist Link scour the world of Hyrule to collect pieces of a powerful artifact known as the Triforce, a trio of triangles that grant great power to whoever rolls all three.

And the Triforce has its own counterpart in the chain-restaurant sector: Tricon Global Restaurants, a former Pepsi subsidiary that consists of three brands nearly as iconic as Donkey Kong, Mario, and Zelda themselves - KFC, Pizza Hut, and the largest Mexican-American chain in the world.

Founded in 1962 in Downey, California, by Glen Bell, who allegedly stole his recipes from neighboring Mexican restaurant Mitla Cafe and named his concept after himself, today the chain has over 7,000 locations worldwide. And while Glen Bell was hardly as influential, and certainly nowhere near as innovative as, Shigeru Miyamoto, he still left his imprint on his medium that still remains to this day.

This week, as we kick-off the 2021 Doughathon, raising funds for the Restaurant Workers Community Foundation, we return once again to Taco Bell.

Fork rating[]

First a recap of Doughboys' history with Taco Bell. As indicated by the episode title, The Doughboys have reviewed Taco Bell four prior times (and various items numerous other times):

  • The first time, in episode 2, they focused on breakfast items: Nick gave it 3 forks and Mitch gave it 5.
  • Next, in episode 86, for a live show, Nick gave it 4 forks and Mitch again gave it 5. It finally made it into the Golden Plate Club.
  • In the very next episode 87, they reviewed it again, with Nick again increasing his score to 4.5 and Mitch staying strong at 5 forks.
  • In episode 149, Nick decides to officially bump his rating finally to 5 forks, putting Taco Bell in the Platinum Plate Club.
  • In episode 156, Nick and Mitch again stand at 5 forks, but because of the Gillian Jacobs' low rating, Taco Bell was dropped from both Platinum Plate and Golden Plate clubs.
guest / host ordered rating
Nick Wiger
  • Wild Strawberry Freeze
  • Black Bean Quesalupa
  • Spicy Potato Soft Taco
  • Bean Burrito
  • Cheese Quesadilla
5 forks
Mike Mitchell
  • Mountain Dew Baja Blast
  • Quesalupa
  • Beefy 5-Layer Burrito
  • Cheesy Gordita Crunch
  • Beefy Potato-Rito
  • Chicken Chipotle Melt
5 forks
Carl Tart
  • Mountain Dew Baja Blast
  • Crunchwrap Supreme
  • Crunchy Taco Supreme
  • Chips and Nacho Cheese Sauce
4.75 forks
Christine Nangle
  • Black Bean Quesalupa
  • Cheese Quesadilla
    • add tomatoes
  • Cinnamon Twists
4.5 reusable straws

With these scores, Taco Bell returns to the Golden Plate Club!

Roast Spoonman[]


The Tomorrow War

The Tomorrow S'More

–Jeremy in Ohio

message from BadlandsChugs[]



Hey Carl! Don't touch that mouse. It's your boy, BadlandsChugs, and I want to give a big shout-out to ya!

Hey now, how's everything going?

Well, I hear things are going great and before I go any further, I would like to say on behalf of Mike Mitchell, thank you thank you thank you for all your hard work and helping them their fundraiser, the Doughathon.

And I heard that your show Grand Crew is gettin' picked up by NBC! Yo, that is totally awesome, man. Congratulations to you, man. That's an awesome achievement and kudos to you.

We gotta dedicate a chug to that!

Congratulations, but remember Nick and Mitch are still your original bosses and you still gotta tour with them. Cheers, buddy.

–Badlands Chugs Cameo

message from Gabrus[]


Gabrus and Nangle

Hey there, Christine Nawngle. I heard you're a big fan of me, Jon Gabrus, Long Island's own podcaster/comedian extraordinaire, so I want to send you this Cameo.

Congratulations on the Doughathon. Say hello to your human son, Philby for me, and also, the request was to chug, so I'll do a little chug for you.

Gotta stay hydrated!

NangleGangle, NangleGangle!

–Gabrus Cameo

The Feedbag: Favorite Cold Cuts[]

Favorite cold cut? (-someone in the Doughathon chat)
Nick Wiger
  • baloney
  • pastrami
Mike Mitchell
  • roast beef
Carl Tart
  • ham & cheese loaf
Christine Nangle
  • liverwurst


I'm good. Got the hat, walkin' around like the Nangalorian, got a mask, sunglasses.

–Christine Nangle

OK, so you don't eat land or air animals. You only stick to the sea. And rivers. And lakes.

–Nick Wiger trying to explain the pescatarian diet

Mitch: I have some news as we're closing out this episode. We're at 40,000 dollars! We're 10,000 away from the goal we set.

Carl: Where the fuck did you people get this money from?!


Related Episodes[]

Taco Bell episodes Christine Nangle episodes Carl Tart episodes Jon Gabrus episodes



Taco Bell 5 with Christine Nangle & Carl Tart (Live)
