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"Sweetgreen with Siobhan Thompson" is Episode 49 of Doughboys, hosted by Mike Mitchell and Nick Wiger. "Sweetgreen with Siobhan Thompson" was released on April 21, 2016.


College Humor’s Siobhan Thompson joins the podcast to help Mitch & Wiger review an up and coming health conscious chain: the Chipotle of salads, Sweetgreen. Plus, a special gluten free edition of Snack or Wack.

Nick's intro[]


Sweetgreen core values

  • "Win, win, win."
  • "Think sustainably."
  • "Keep it real."
  • "Add the sweet touch."
  • "Make an impact."

These sound like bulletpoints from a marketing meeting for a Silicon Valley tech firm, but they're not. They're the five core values of a fast-casual chain first founded in Washington DC in 2007 by three Georgetown business-school graduates.

Offering an array of healthful, customizable salads and bowls crafted from organic, locally-sourced ingredients, the restaurant caught fire with the urban professional set and expanded to other major cities over the next decade.

As opposed to the uniform architecture and interior design favored by many chains, this eatery adopts a distinct structure for each of its restaurants, uniting them solely via branding and menu.

Now with forty stores and 1700 employees, this "Chipotle" of high-end salads is paradoxically attempting to be both sprawling across the continent and ensconced in local communities.

This week on Doughboys: Sweetgreen.

Fork rating[]

guest / host ordered rating
Nick Wiger
  • Hibiscus Lime Fresca
  • Strawberry + Feta Salad
  • Organic Lentil Chickpea Soup
4 forks
Mike Mitchell
  • Hibiscus Lime Fresca
  • Hummus Tahina
    • chicken
4 forks
Siobhan Thompson
  • Lemon Fresca
  • Hollywood Bowl
4 forks

With these scores, Sweetgreen joined the Golden Plate Club. (It would however be removed in 2022.)

Member of the Hand-holding Club.

Also received the Green Thumb Award (also retroactively applied to Veggie Grill).

Nick bumped his Sweetgreen rating up to 5 forks in episode 107.

Snack or Wack[]


Glutino Gluten Free Toaster Pastry

In Snack or Wack, the Doughboys have a snack and decide if it is 'good' or 'bad'.

For this episode, they try Glutino Gluten Free Toaster Pastry.

They eat them untoasted, however; all three enjoy it and agree they would choose them over regular Pop Tarts.

guest / host rating
Nick Wiger Snack
Mike Mitchell Snack
Siobhan Thompson Snack


Nick: Mitch, quit rationalizing it. We got someone from real England and she's saying New England is a bunch of bullshit. So just accept it.
Mitch: Fuck you, you piece of shit!

–Nick Wiger and Mike Mitchell

Mitch: The biggest fuck you to Neil Degrasse Tyson. He's exhausting. He's a fucking nerd. If he was here, I'd bully the shit out of him. I'd rub his face in dog shit.

(much later) Mitch: If I ever see Bill Nye, I'm giving him a wedgie.

–Mike Mitchell re: science

There was a prostitute and a man in a car, having sex. I didn't know what it was. My dad told me - he explained it, graphically.

–Mike Mitchell

My sister got mono. I gave it to her.

–Mike Mitchell


  • #ComeOnSpoonman
  • #GreenThumbsDown vs. #GreenThumbsUp

The Feedbag[]

My question is about the last bite of a meal. Do you pre-plan your meals and set aside what you want to be your final bite and lasting impression of your order?

For instance, whenever I go to Taco Bell, I order a chalupa in addition to my normal order of a quesadilla and some dollar menu burritos. I'll eat everything except half the chalupa which I'll save for the very end because I need that saucy, oily bite to finish. At Arby's, the last bite is always a curly fry. At Wendy's, it's a spoonful of chili.

Wondering if you guys have any last bite rituals?

–Dean Mengaziol

guest / host last bite ritual
Nick Wiger if a component is a chore, he gets it out of the way first
Mike Mitchell saves some of his favorite bites for the last bite
Siobhan Thompson eats her favorite bites first


official visits location notes
Sweetgreen Hollywood, CA Mitch went to this location with Susser and Van; Siobhan also went there separately
restaurants referenced location notes
Sunny McClean's Irish Pub Santa Monica, CA Nick talks about their fish and chips; this was a place Mitch frequented
Sidecar Doughnuts Los Angeles, CA
Sugarfish - Siobhan talks about her Sugarfish experience
Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams Los Feliz, CA Siobhan's favorite ice cream spot
Hale and Hearty Soups New York, NY

Drop and Plugs[]

movies / tv notes
  • Back to the Future
  • South Park
  • The Chappelle Show
  • Steve Harvey
  • Seinfeld
  • Stone Cold Steve Austin
  • Allen Iverson
  • Jurassic Park
  • My Girl
  • WTF with Marc Maron
in Mitch's drop (by Dan)

Related Episodes[]

Sweetgreen episodes


