Doughboys Wikia

A list of questions asked by the Doughboys to Evan Susser the writer of the Sonic The Hedgehog movie.

Sonic Question

Sonic Questions[]

  1. Is it freeing at all to write these scenes where Sonic is running really fast?
  2. Is Tails going to make an appearance?
  3. Will Sonic appear in The Force Awakens?
  4. So there is no scene in Force Awakens where Sonic spin attacks Kylo Ren?
  5. What will be better, Sonic or Force Awakens?
  6. Can you confirm that Finn gets in a lightsaber battle with Big The Cat wielding a fishing pole?
  7. What about the rumors that Luke does in fact resurface and he's in the midst of a love triangle with Amy Rose and Rouge the Bat?
  8. Can you confirm or deny that Matt Walsh is voicing Knuckles The Echidna in the Sonic the Hedgehog movie?
  9. Can you confirm or deny that Shadow the Hedgehog picks up BB-8 and dunks him like a basketball?
  10. I'm sure [Susser] is working out some great banter between Rouge the Bat and Big the Cat we'll soon see on the silver screen.
  11. Does Charmy the Bee have a speaking role?
  12. Sonic has a famously vile corner of the internet and its fan fiction is very explicit. Is that addressed in the movie? Is there a point where Sonic's mouth extends and he comes a living urinal?
  13. Can you confirm the rumor that Nack the Weasel and Mighty the Armadillo have a romance in Sonic The Hedgehog: The Movie?
  14. Was it ever brought up, the idea that Espio the Chameleon and Vector the Crocodile would have a presence in Sonic The Hedgehog: The Movie?
  15. Can you confirm that Shadow the Hedgehog has a fling with Boshi from Super Mario RPG?
  16. "The screen is black. We fade in on Knuckles running through the Green Hill Zone. He's joined by a helicopter, but wait! It's not a helicopter at all. It's Tails." (Nick's pitch for the opening of Susser's script.)
  17. Is Dr. Robotnik the main villain?
  18. Can you confirm the wedding they are crashing is between Sonic and Amy?


18. Steak 'n Shake
31. Steak 'n Shake 2
44. Burger Brawl - Minisode
46. Burger Brawl - Finals
63. 7-Eleven
MINI. The 2016 Doughlympic Opening Ceremonies
82. Steak 'n Shake 3