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"Love Week ❤️: Sonic Drive-In 2 with Alana Johnston 🔪 and Norm Sousa" is Episode 385 of Doughboys, hosted by Nick Wiger and Mike Mitchell. "Love Week ❤️: Sonic Drive-In 2 with Alana Johnston 🔪 and Norm Sousa" was released on February 16, 2023.


"Sonic Drive-In 2 with Alana Johnston 🔪 and Norm Sousa" - @doughboyspod


Lovebirds Alana "The Knife 🔪" Johnston and Norm "Mr. Taste" Sousa join the 'boys to talk Valentine's Day and Canadian chains before continuing Love Week ❤️ with a review of Sonic. Plus, a brand new segment, The Chewlywed Game.

Nick's intro[]

Yuji Naka Has Been Arrested For Alleged Insider Trading.

This partial headline was published in November of 2022, another chapter in the ongoing ignoble fall of the co-creator of one of video gaming’s most iconic characters. After joining Sega as a programmer at the age of nineteen, Naka-san saw a rapid rise to gaming’s highest tier of talent, having a significant role on major franchises like Space Harrier and Phantasy Star in his early 20s.

And then, in 1991, at just 26 years old, he and collaborator Naoto Ohshima unleashed the game that would make his career: a speed-focused side-scroller starring a blue hedgehog with track shoes and a ‘tude — his love of chili dogs would become canon in later entries. The game’s blockbuster success immediately made Naka-san a sought-after superstar, lured away from, and then back to, Sega, where his team named for the character would create critical favorites like Nights Into Dreams and early MMO progenitor Phantasy Star Online.

But Sega’s mismanagement of its console hardware and sloppy handling of its key franchises led the company to recede from feisty Nintendo competitor to third-party also-ran, and Naka-san’s career similarly lost its luster. In 2003, following the commercial collapse of Sega’s Dreamcast console, he released his game Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg for the Nintendo GameCube, to mixed reviews — arguably his last gasp at relevance. Most recently, Naka-san bears the shame of directing 2021’s unplayable bomb Balan Wonderworld — and his indictment for multiple mobile-game related stock-hustling schemes.

Nevertheless, his contributions to gaming history remain immense. And the peak of his speedy rodent mascot’s relevance was arguably its first sequel, a 2D-platforming masterpiece released in 1992 for Sega’s Mega Drive console, known as the Genesis in North America. Similarly, the second live-action feature film based on the property was a major box-office hit in 2022.

So will our Sonic sequel follow the trend?

This week on Doughboys… we celebrate Love Week ❤️ with a return to Sonic Drive-In.

Fork rating[]



The first time The Doughboys visited Sonic was in October 2021, as part of Dogdoughbarkfest. Everyone gave it 5 forks and it made the Platinum Plate Club, even though Nick only ate a hot-dog bun and a bunch of sides.

guest / host ordered rating
Nick Wiger
  • Cranberry Limeade
  • Chili Cheese Coney
  • Chili Cheese Tots
  • Fritos Chili Cheese Jr. Wrap
  • Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Mini Blast
5 rings
Mike Mitchell
  • Cherry Limeade
  • Footlong Quarter Pound Coney
  • Spicy Steak and Bacon Grilled Cheese
  • Fritos Chili Cheese Jr. Wrap
  • Grape Slush, add Nerds
  • Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Mini Blast, add Mini M&M's
5 forks
Alana Johnston 🔪
  • Limeade Slush
  • All-American Dog
  • Tater Tots
  • Sonic Mini Blast made with Butterfinger
4 knives
Norm Sousa
  • Bacon Cheeseburger Toaster
  • Corn Dog
  • French Fries
  • Sonic Blast made with Snickers
3.5 forks
  • Sonic Cheeseburger
  • $1.99 Soft Pretzel Twist
  • Mozzarella Sticks

With these scores, Sonic is removed from the Platinum Plate Club!

The Chewlywed Game[]


In this new segment just for Love Week ❤️, The Doughboys play the Chewlywed Game, hosted by Amelia Marino!

One person from each team will leave the room while the other answers questions about their relationship. The teammate returns and answers the same questions and they see if their answers match! Which team knows more about each other?

First up, Nick and Norm leave the room, so Mitch and Alana 🔪 answer some questions.

Mitch's guess Nick's answer Alana 🔪's guess Norm's answer score (DB-JS)
Q1: how does your partner take their eggs? scrambled scrambled over easy over easy 1-1
Q2: what is your partner's ideal sandwich? veggie grilled cheese pastrami Italian sub 1-1
Q3: what is a foolproof way to make your partner angry? if Mitch is around being late if Alana is around waking up too early 1-1
Q4: what is your partner's favorite thing about you? funny funny butt ability to party 2-1
Q5: you and your partner are at a wedding, the DJ plays their favorite song. who is the song by? Metallica Elvis Presley George Harrison George Harrison 2-2
Q6: how many stairs does your partner have in their home? 0 0 3 1 3-2
Nick's guess Mitch's answer Norm's guess Alana 🔪's answer score (DB-JS)
Q1: Your partner asks for a snack from the store. What do you get? Cool Ranch Doritos Cool Ranch Doritos Dill Pickle Chips White Truffle Chips 4-2
Q2: would your partner prefer to make whoopee or eat whoopie pie? eat eat make make 5-3
Q3: if your partner ended up in jail, what would it be for? his secret toilet/litterbox cam drinking and driving assault/stabbing public intoxication 5-3
Q4: does your partner think Christmas is a cookie holiday? soft yes no yes yes 5-4
Q5: what would your partner say is your best quality? organized generous driving skills funny 5-4
Q6: partner has a gun to head, if you say the same word, you both live. what is that word? wow wow Mia-sh hellarsh 6-4

Nick and Mitch win The Chewlywed Game!

Snack or Wack: Dip or Shit[]


Doritos Cool Ranch Jalapeño Dip

In Snack or Wack, the Doughboys taste a snack item and rate it either 'snack' or 'wack' (though today, they use 'dip or shit').

In this episode, they try Doritos Cool Ranch Jalapeño Dip.

Everyone seemed to enjoy it, even though Susser ate most of it. They tried the dip with various types of Doritos.

guest / host rating
Nick Wiger Dip
Mike Mitchell Dip
Alana Johnston 🔪 Dip
Norm Sousa Dip
Evan Susser Dip

Toast Spoonman[]

The Sweetest Funniest Man Anyone Could Ask For

–Nick W. from LA


Norm: This is great for the listeners: Mitch just trying to find a video on his phone of Ben Affleck's dick.

Mitch: I found a video of me singing Charlie Brown instead.

–Norm and Mitch

In America, you can only tip with guns.

–Alana Johnston 🔪

Thank you, Suss, for not eating the gifts!

–Mike Mitchell

The Feedbag[]

Sometimes we go to a barbecue restaurant in white t-shirts, ask the staff to remove the napkins, and proceed to eat as messily as possible. It's a blast! Do you have any odd dining-out traditions?


guest / host odd traditions the messy t-shirt tradition
Nick Wiger Sake bombs too weird. doesn't want to be messy
Mike Mitchell booster seat and a bib crazy
Alana Johnston eats the food, pays, then leaves insane
Norm Sousa crayons to draw on the placemat waste of shirts
Amelia Marino sit next to someone in a booth
Emma Erdbrink wash hands before she eats

Related Episodes[]

Love Week episodes Sonic Drive-In episodes Alana Johnston 🔪 episodes Norm Sousa episodes

