"Shake Shack 3 with Evan Susser" is Episode 379 of Doughboys, hosted by Nick Wiger and Mike Mitchell. "Shake Shack 3 with Evan Susser" was released on December 16, 2022.

"Tomorrow… with Commissioner Evan Susser" - @doughboyspod
Commissioner Evan Susser (Killing It, Fist Fight, Brooklyn Nine-Nine) joins the 'boys to air some grievances about the podcast before a review of Shake Shack in the seventh annual steak-and-a-shake year-end tradition. Plus, Slop Quiz: Holidough Foods edition.
Nick's intro[]
“Can you imagine an Andrew Carnegie or a Cornelius Vanderbilt seeking a cadre of consultants on whether they should buy a steel mill or buy a railroad?”

Steak 'n Shake By Biglari
This was Sardar Biglari at a 2020 shareholders meeting for his eponymous holding company, as quoted by Patrick Danner for MySA. The meeting, held in person in San Antonio during the height of the COVID pandemic, was typical hubristic bluster for Biglari, the man who became an infamous figure in the chain-restaurant industry with his 2008 hostile takeover of beloved Illinois-founded burger joint Steak ‘n Shake. Biglari streamlined operations, slashing the menu and eliminating table service at new Steak 'n Shake by Biglari locations — yes, his name’s on the signage — as part of a quixotic global expansion of the regional midwest favorite. But now, a decade and a half into his stewardship, the bulk of those new locations have shuttered, including splashy flagship stores in New York City and Dubai, and the company is downward spiraling like a vertically held curly fry.
But meanwhile, another once regional fast-casual burger concept that puts shakes in the spotlight has continued its rapid growth worldwide. Founded by New York City restaurant magnate Danny Meyer in 2005, the counter-service chain with sit-down prices has attracted a loyal following through its high-quality fare and regional/seasonal offerings.
But in its omnipresence, is it in danger of losing its magic in the same way as Sardar Biglari’s Steak 'n Shake shit show?
This week, on the final new Doughboys of 2022… we return to Shake Shack.
Fork rating[]
The Doughboys have reviewed Shake Shack two prior times. First, in 2017, when Nick gave it 4.5 forks and Mitch 5. It made the Golden Plate Club. Then in 2021, they returned and Nick gave it 3 forks and Mitch 4, and it was removed from the Golden Plate Club.
Shake Shack was also a last-minute entrant in the 2016 Tournament of Chompions: Burger Brawl, where it initially defeated Five Guys, then somehow defeated Wendy's, before falling in the Finals to In-N-Out (and Wendy's).
guest / host | ordered | rating |
Nick Wiger |
3 forks |
Mike Mitchell |
4 forks |
Evan Susser |
4 forks |
Mitch and Susser shared |
Slop Quiz: Holidough Foods edition[]

In Slop Quiz, Nick presents a food-related exam (pop quiz) and Mitch and the guest compete for superiority.
This week is a multiple-choice test focused on trivia about holiday foods.
clue | Mitch | Susser | correct | score (MM-ES) |
From which country does gingerbread originate? | Greece | 0-0 | ||
From which country does egg nog originate? | England | - | England | 1-0 |
Ancient Romans invented fruitcake for what reason? | - | to ration on the battlefield | to ration on the battlefield | 1-1 |
From which country to latkes originate? | Italy | 1-1 | ||
Who invented hot chocolate? | Mayans | - | Mayans | 2-1 |
Sufganiyot is the Hebrew word for what traditional Hanukkah food? | - | jelly donuts | jelly donuts | 2-2 |
Why do candy canes have hooks? | remind chlidren of shepherds | - | remind children of shepherds | 3-2 |
Eating which food brings about good fortune in the new year? | - | black-eyed peas and greens | black-eyed peas and greens | 3-3 |
What does 'kugel' translate to? | sphere | 3-3 |
Mitch and Susser tie! Happy holidays!
CommissionImpossible: Fallout[]
As it tends to do, Susser's presence triggers a deep discussion about the State of the Podcast, the Doughboys' personality clashes, dreams for the podcast, scheduling, professional goals, and the like. It gets emotional. The podcast doesn't seem to be in any danger, but it feels like these occasional "fallouts" are necessary from time to time.
Roast Spoonman[]

Kris Kringle
“ | Kris Crinkle Cut | ” |
–Dan |
“ | Susser just got Gatorade all over my computer. | ” |
–Mike Mitchell |
“ | I can't resist a hot dog sometimes. | ” |
–Nick Wiger |
“ | This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! | ” |
–a Shake Shack employee re: their holiday shakes to Mitch and Susser |
- #DropFromTheGrave or #RoastFromBeyond
- #TheFallingOut or #CommissionImpossible:TheFallout
- #AllMIxedUpNot311
The Feedbag[]
“ | Are there any flavor combinations you enjoy that shouldn't work or don't work in any other context? | ” |
–Ryan in Denver |
guest / host | flavor combinations that shouldn't work but do |
Nick Wiger |
Mike Mitchell | Nick and Mitch |
Evan Susser | likes all foods together |
official visit | location | notes |
Shake Shack | Silverlake, CA | Mitch and Susser went to this location together |
Shake Shack | Santa Monica, CA | Nick went to this location |