Doughboys Wikia

"Rogueboys: Rogue One with Drew McWeeny" is a special episode of Doughboys, hosted by Mike Mitchell and Nick Wiger. "Rogueboys: Rogue One with Drew McWeeny" was released on December 22, 2016.


Rogue One: A Star Wars Story


Drew McWeeny from '80s All Over, HitFix, and Ain't It Cool News joins Mitch & Wiger to discuss Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

Dinner is the Movie[]


Rogue One

Dinner is the Movie is when The Doughboys have a deep-dive discussion about one specific film. They haven't come up with that segment title yet, but this episode is bit of a template for what would it come (though, this discussion was released as its own full episode).

For this episode, they discuss Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, which had been released that week.

They rate it on a scale of four Quarter Portions.

guest / host rating
Nick Wiger 3.5 quarter portions
Mike Mitchell 3 quarter portions
Drew McWeeny 3 quarter portions


This is my opportunity to do Face The Nation.

–Nick Wiger

We should put this out on Christmas morning. Right? Everyone in the booth is giving a thumbs down.

–Mike Mitchell


  • #RogueWon vs. #RogueNumberTwo

Related Episodes[]

Drew McWeeny episodes Star Wars episodes


