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"Quizno's with Haley Joel Osment" is Episode 158 of Doughboys, hosted by Mike Mitchell and Nick Wiger. "Quizno's with Haley Joel Osment" was released on June 13, 2018.


"Tomorrow... There will be a Quiz...." - @doughboyspod


Actor Haley Joel Osment (Silicon Valley, Future Man) joins to discuss acting in food commercials, eating on sets, and to review fading toasted submarine sandwich chain Quizno's. Plus, another edition of Snack or Wack.

Nick's Intro[]

"We like the moon."

So sang a duo of rodent-like creatures with bulging eyes and giant mouths dubbed the Spongmonkeys, who, along with the humiliated Star Wars Kid, became the internet sensations of 2003. Created by animator Joel Veitch for his website, the crudely-animated two-minute short depicted a vocalist in a bowler screeching incoherent lyrics alongside an acoustic guitarist in a Napoleon-style bikehorn hat.


The Spongmonkeys ad for Quiznos

The Spongmonkeys belong to a class of viral pre-Youtube web animations, mostly delivered via Flash video, that included Badger Badger Badger, Peanut Butter Jelly Time and All Your Base Are Belong To Us, all sharing a lo-fi aesthetic and absurdist sensibility that would have excluded them from television.

Until 2004, that is, when a rapidly-growing submarine-sandwich chain commissioned Veitch to make a Spongmonkeys TV commercial for their restaurant, and the "We Love The Subs" ad was born.

Though the malformed musical animal act was polarizing with viewers, the spots were a huge success at spreading brand awareness for the then-second-biggest sandwich chain in the country. The Spongmonkeys spot was the most successful of that chain's run of weird-for-weird sake's commercials, which included an ad featuring a young Jim Parsons reminiscing about suckling on his wolf mother's teat and one in which an anthropomorphic toasting oven lustily implored a sandwich artist to "put it in me."

The offbeat marketing was very of its time (the first decade of the 21st century), as was the chain's success itself.

Founded in 1981 by Denver fine-dining chef Jimmy Lambatos, it became popular in the Centennial State for its deli-style oven-baked sandwiches and grew into a mildly-successful regional chain during the '80s. After the founder sold the chain to a father/son investing duo in the early 1990s, the company went public and expanded wildly, going from 18 restaurants in 1991 to nearly 300 by the turn of the century to a staggering count of over 5000 locations in 2007, on the backs of its innovative toasted subs and the eagerness of its growing army of franchisees.

But much like the novelty of a viral video, its success was short-lived.

Its much-larger competitor, Subway, beat down the sandwich rebellion by quickly retrofitting its kitchens to incorporate toasting ovens, nullifying the chain's signature gimmick. Even more devastating was the great recession and financial crisis of 2008, which exposed the over-leveraged company's financial woes, leading to hundreds of store closures and even bankruptcy. Today, just over a decade from its peak, the company has receded to fewer than 1000 locations worldwide.

But despite its struggles, do its remaining loyal customers still say "we love the subs!"?

This week on Doughboys: Quiznos.

Fork Rating[]

guest / host ordered rating
Nick Wiger
  • Spicy Chipotle Pork
  • Veggie Guacamole
3.5 forks
Mike Mitchell
  • Southwest Chicken
  • Chipotle Steak & Cheddar
  • Diet Mountain Dew
3.25 forks
Haley Joel Osment
  • Honey Mustard Chicken
  • Chipotle Steak & Cheddar
  • BBQ Baked Lays chips
3 forks
  • Classic Tater Tots

Snack or Wack[]


Trolli Sour Brite TinyHands

In Snack or Wack, The Doughboys have a snack and rate it either 'snack' or 'wack.'

For this episode, they try the Deadpool 2 Trolli Sour Brite TinyHands candy.

guest / host result
Nick Wiger Wack-off
Mike Mitchell Wack
Haley Joel Osment Wack

Roast Mitchy 2 Spoonz[]


Plácido Domingo

Flaccido Domingo

–Cameron in Mexico City


Mitch: There's usually something funny at the end, right Nick?

Nick: Not if it's like our podcast.

–waiting for Mitch's drop to finish

I don't think you can pull a Twizzler out of my head.

–Mike Mitchell

Nick: This is a thing I like about Quizno's... their smallest size is a four incher. They call it the Mike Mitchell, actually.

Mitch: You sick son of a bitch.

–Nick got 'im

Mitch, when you have a moral question do you have an angel over one shoulder and a piece of devil's food cake on the other?

–Nick Wiger


  • #Chipswich
  • #GermanMysteryGummies

The Feedbag[]

I've been playing Super Mario RPG this past week and it's got me wondering: what is your guys' favorite Mario spinoff game?

–Brad in St. Louis

Related Episodes[]

Quiznos episodes

Photos (via @doughboyspod)[]
