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"Munch Madness: Pressed vs. Jamba with Zach Cherry" is Episode 388 of Doughboys, hosted by Nick Wiger and Mike Mitchell. "Munch Madness: Pressed vs. Jamba with Zach Cherry" was released on March 9, 2023.


"Tomorrow… with Zach Cherry" - @doughboyspod


Zach Cherry (Severance, The Great American Baking Show) joins the 'boys to talk healthy bowls and Hot Ones before tackling the Acai region of Munch Madness 2023: The Tournament of Chompions: BOWL!

Nick's intro[]


Acai Palm

Euterpe olerakea: better known as the Acai Palm - the fruit of this towering tree native to the banks of the Amazon has been a staple of the diet of South American peoples for centuries.

And in recent decades, north of South America in North America, the Acai berry has become a delicacy/miracle cure in wellness/fitness food culture, instagrammed by influencers with gluten-free diets and ample glutes in snack, smoothie, and bowl form. Its popularity is such that two of the most prominent chain juiceries in America, Jamba and Pressed, see eye-to-acai in their menu offerings.

In the past decade, as carbs became criminal and calorie-conscious consumers pivoted from sugary blended juices to chewable whole-fruit presentations, these fruit-forward restaurants followed suit: both Jamba Juice and Pressed Juicery dropped the “juice” from their branding (like Hertz Rent-A-Car). Today, bowls represent a substantial portion of their marketing and menus.

So with this new emphasis on shorter, squatter, cardboard containers over taller, thinner, plastic ones, which mushy-meal outlet does the yoga-pants set call “bowl goals?” Which of these breakfast berry-based bowl brokers blends best?

This week on Doughboys, the third quarter-pounder final matchup of Munch Madness 2023: The Tournament of Chompions: BOWL: Acai Region — Jamba vs. Pressed.

Let's a-go!

BOWL: Rules 📜[]

The rules for this year's Munch Madness 2023: The Tournament of Chompions: BOWL:

  • Salad ain't valid. No salads! Bowls only.
  • Chili is silly. No simple bowls of chili.
  • Stew won't do. Bowl viscosity must be stew-level at minimum. Goop not soup!
  • When it comes to strikes, we're at the bowling alley. Strikes are good! Three strikes and you are in.
  • Two strikes = a 7-10 split decision and you are also in.
  • Drinks are in the gutter. Sides are also in the gutter.
  • Cookies are ookie. Cookies cannot be considered, but it must be asked: is Christmas a cookie holiday?
  • When it comes to bread, there is more that will be said. Chips are also bread.
  • However, drinks are in the nutter. Sides are in the nutter. You can consider sides and drinks. (The Pally rule; amended by Cherry.)
  • Silverware and the bowl itself can be factored in to the decision.

BOWL: Acai Region 🍲[]

The first (and only) time the Doughboys visited Jamba was way back in 2017 when Nick gave it 2 forks and Mitch 2.5.

Similarly, they have reviewed Pressed once, six months before in 2022, when Nick and Mitch both rated it 4 forks. It made the Golden Plate Club.

guest / host ordered from Jamba ordered from Pressed
Nick Wiger Vanilla Blue Sky Bowl Acai Superfood Smoothie Bowl
Mike Mitchell Chunky Strawberry Bowl Acai Power Bowl
Zach Cherry Acai Primo Bowl

Vanilla Blue Sky Bowl [Zach's wife's order]

Acai Original Smoothie Bowl

Acai Power Bowl [Zach's wife's order]

BOWL: Acai Region: Scoring 🍲[]

For this year's Tournament, The Doughboys rate the bowls on their Greens, Fruit, Grains, Granola, Proteins, Dips/Dressing, Bowl, Silverware/Drinks/Bread (the Pally Rule; but they're separated now), Treats and Treat, Portion Size (the Montoya Rule), Na'vi (Cherry Rule), and a whole bunch more. They do not rate numerically or on any scale, but just say which one they prefer.

guest / host Greens Fruit Grains Granola Protein Yogurt Nut Butter Dips/Dressing Meghan Trainor (base)
Nick Wiger tie Pressed tie Jamba tie Pressed Jamba tie Jamba
Mike Mitchell tie Pressed tie Pressed tie Pressed Pressed tie Jamba
Zach Cherry Jamba Pressed Jamba Pressed Jamba tie Pressed tie Pressed
guest / host Bowl Silverware Drinks Bread Treats Treat? Treat Williams Unkar Plutt Portions Na'vi
Nick Wiger Pressed Pressed tie tie tie Jamba Pressed Pressed Jamba
Mike Mitchell Pressed Pressed tie tie tie tie Jamba Pressed Jamba
Zach Cherry tie Pressed tie tie tie tie tie Pressed tie

BOWL: Acai Region: Results 🍲[]


The Dude, Donny, and Walter

Which of these bowls are being given to The Dude in The Big Lebowski and is so good that it resurrects Donny back to life?

The winning bowl gets a strike. (Three strikes and you're in. Turkeys are good! But also two strikes is a 7-10 split decision and you advance as well.)

If it loses, it is declared a gutterball and is given to The Man.

guest / host winner
Nick Wiger Pressed
Mike Mitchell Pressed
Zach Cherry Pressed

Thus Pressed wins the Acai Round of BOWL!

Jamba gets flushed into the gutter and sent to The Man in hell.

Roast Spoonman[]


Magic Mike's Last Dane starring Channing Tatum and Salma Hayek

Tragic Mike's Last Pants starring Channing Potatum and Salmonella Hayek

–Andy P

Is Christmas A Cookie Holiday? 🎄🍪[]

guest is Christmas a cookie holiday?
Zach Cherry sort of. his family does make cookies for Thanksgiving more often.
Adam Woo no.

Is Christmas an Ookie Cookie Holiday? 🎄🍪💦[]

guest is Christmas an ookie cookie holiday?
Zach Cherry you know it is

Which Hot Sauces Do You Have In Your Fridge Right Now?[]

guest / host hot sauces
Nick Wiger
  • Sriracha
  • Chili Garlic Sauce
  • Cholula
  • Frank's Red Hot Sauce
Mike Mitchell
  • Sriracha
  • Frank's Red Hot Sauce
  • Yellowbird
Zach Cherry
  • Sriracha
  • Frank's Red Hot Sauce
  • a bunch he saw on Hot Ones


These dusty grapes? It's like I'm reading a John Steinbeck novel! What's going on?

–Nick Wiger

Mitch: Here's my question.. I was gonna ask Wiges, but I'll ask you instead. Are there any Rovers alive on Mars right now?

Zach: Glad you brought me in for this. I have no idea. I don't know.

–The Doughboys

I'm just gonna replace the whole episode with one long bleep.

–Emma Erdbink

The Feedbag[]

Have you ever gambled with fast-food items or dinner? What's your greatest food pay-off, if you have?

–Max in Montana

guest / host food gambling
Nick Wiger playing cards and gambling with Pop Tarts and mac & cheese powder
Mike Mitchell mostly bets about large amounts of food or eating challenges

credit-card roulette to pay for meals

Zach Cherry would use Burger King Chicken Fries as poker chips

Related Episodes[]

Zach Cherry episodes Jamba Juice episodes Pressed episodes BOWL episodes

