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"Popeyes Wings with David Brown and Jon Mackey" is Episode 462 of Doughboys, hosted by Nick Wiger and Mike Mitchell. "Popeyes Wings with David Brown and Jon Mackey" was released on September 5, 2024.


"Tomorrow… with David Brown & Jon Mackey" - @doughboyspod


David Brown (@davidbrownpants) and Jon Mackey (@itsjonmackey) of The Brett DeMott Show with Buddy joins th e'boys to talk fried chicken favorites, Go90, and Baldur's Gate 3 before a review of Popeyes Wings. Plus, the debut of a new segment, The Pit Hall.

Nick's intro[]


Lestat de Lioncourt

I've got Lestat. And I'm going to keep him.”: These taunting words from Al Copeland, the founder of America’s third largest chicken chain, and directed at Interview with the Vampire author Anne Rice, as quoted in a 1997 New York Times article. For months, the two extravagantly wealthy and eccentric New Orleans celebrities clashed publicly over their respective claims to the Big Easy.

Ground zero? Straya, a gaudy, Vegas-esue, proto -Guy Fieri restaurant opened by Copeland on St. Charles Avenue, which Rice and other Gothic Revival traditionalists derided as an architectural eyesore. The war of words played out via the media and full-page newspaper ads, where Rice called the neon, leopard sculpture-adorned restaurant quote, “nothing short of an abomination,” while Copeland teased, “I’m putting a little extra garlic in the food.” Rice’s outrage was exacerbated by Straya’s coincidental intrusion into her Vampire Chronicles mythos: the restaurant was on the same plot of land where Lestat saw his reflection and disappeared at the end of Rice’s 1995 novel Memnoch the Devil. The canon, as mockingly noted by Copeland, seemed to imply that the Vampire Lestat’s soul was forever trapped inside a shitty ripoff of the Cheesecake Factory.

But like many wars of words, in time, it simply ran out of steam. Straya closed in 2000, Copeland died in 2008, and by the time of Rice’s death in 2021, the incident was a mere footnote in each of these Crescent City originals’ larger-than-life biographies. Like Lestat at the end of Memnoch the Devil, Copeland and Rice have both passed into Bayou legend themselves.

But Copeland’s greasy Louisiana Kitchen franchise and Rice’s horny vampire IP both still thrive, and coexist, here on the mortal plane.

This week on Doughboys… we return, once again, to Popeyes, for Popeyes Wings.

Fork rating[]

The Doughboys have reviewed Popeyes properly four times. First, in 2016, Nick gave it 4.5 forks and Mitch 3.5. Three years later, they returned to try the then-new Chicken Sandwich, and Nick and Mitch each gave Popeyes 5 forks (and it made the Golden Plate Club). They then returned in 2021, and their scores stayed at 5 forks, though the guest score removed it from the Golden Plate Club. A fourth review was in 2022, and Popeyes finally made the Platinum Plate Club. Nick gives it a Doughboys Lock, as well, saying that it can never be removed from the Platinum Plate Club.

Popeyes also made a deep run in the 2017 Tournament of Chompions: Chicken Fight, when it defeated Church's and KFC (in the Full Bird region), then lost to McDonald's in the Semi-finals (but with some weird technicalities, Popeyes advanced anyway). In the Finals, it came in second to Wendy's.


the full order

For this episode, they return to Popeyes to try their Wings.

guest / host ordered rating
Nick Wiger
  • Mango Lemonade
  • 6pc Spicy Bone-In Wings
    • plain
  • 6pc Spicy Bone-In Wings
    • Signature Hot
  • 6pc Spicy Bone-In Wings
    • Sweet 'N Spicy
  • 6pc Spicy Bone-In Wings
    • Honey BBQ
  • 6pc Spicy Bone-In Wings
    • Honey Lemon Pepper
  • 6pc Spicy Bone-In Wings
    • Roasted Garlic Parmesan
  • Bacon & Cheese Chicken Sandwich [Mitch and Susser]
  • Cajun Flounder Sandwich [David]
  • 12pc Nuggets
  • Mashed Potatoes with Cajun Gravy
  • Red Beans & Rice
  • Homestyle Mac & Cheese
  • Strawberry Biscuits
  • Strawberry Cheesecake Cup
5 forks
Mike Mitchell 4.5 forks
David Brown 4.5 forks
Jon Mackey 4.5 forks

Mitch gives this trip a 4.5 forks overall, but considers Popeyes a 5 fork place and the Wings themselves were 4.25.

Casey gives Popeyes 0 forks, but did not eat this order; he has tried Popeyes a few times and has never liked it. Susser, who did eat this order, gave Popeyes 5 forks. Emma hasn't had Popeyes in a long time, and would probably go 4 forks. Marty, the head of Headgum, also offered it a 5 fork rating.

With these scores, Popeyes makes the Golden Plate Club!

(Popeyes, as noted above, received a Doughboys Lock in the previous visit, meaning it could never be demoted from the Platinum Plate Club. This appears to have had no lasting power and it has been demoted.)

The Pit Hall[]

In this segment, Mitch and the guests are presented with a pit and have to guess which fruit it came from. They are allowed once per round to ask Casey, the Pit Boss, for his opinion. You are only allowed to sniff one pit.

If everyone gets it wrong, Amelia gets a point.

guest / host Mike Mitchell David Brown Jon Mackey Amelia Marino correct score (MM - DB - JM - AM)
pit #1 avocado avocado avocado avocado 1 - 1 - 1 - 0
spelling test silohet silouette silouhette silhouette silhouette 1 - 1 - 1 - 1
pit #2 prune chunky pumpkin peach everyone wrong plum (Mitch sort of correct) 1.5 - 1 - 1 - 2
pit #3 papaya bean mango mango (bean gets .5 a point) 1.5 - 1.5 - 2 - 2
pit #4 durian papayaeach peach peach 1.5 - 2 - 3 - 2
pit #5 armpit pomegranate papaya pitted olive (Mitch gets a point) 2.5 - 2 - 3 - 2

Mackey wins!

Roast Spoonman[]


Rain Man

Drain Man

–Matheas in Brazil



Look, I found the most beautiful woman in video games: it's Gruntilda after you lose in Banjo Kazooie.

–Mike Mitchell re: Baldur's Gate 3

David: When you can't dip the burger in the Frosty, that's where that spoon comes in. You take a bite, you do the spoon, you mix it up in your mouth.

Mitch: That's horrifying. If Dave Thomas came back from the dead and heard about this, he'd be like 'FUCK YOU'.
David: At Carl's Jr., I'll do it with an Oreo Shake and a burger.

–David re: fast food

The Feedbag[]

What's the most fucked-up-est beer you would try?

–Adam L.

guest / host weird beers they would try
Nick Wiger a bug beer
Mike Mitchell would try any flavor if he would eat it
David Brown whatever
Jon Mackey hot dog beer

Drops and Plugs[]

references notes
Taco Bell sauces in Mitch's drop (by Charlie)
The Brett DeMott Show with Buddy David and Jon's podcast

Related Episodes[]

Popeyes episodes

