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"Munch Madness: Pie Noon: Live Feedbag" is an episode of the premium-content podcast, Doughboys Double, hosted by Mike Mitchell and Nick Wiger. "Munch Madness: Pie Noon: Live Feedbag" was released on March 30, 2021.


"Tomorrow on the Double... with Yusong Liu, Emma Erdbrink and Evan Susser" - @doughboyspod


Yusong Liu, Emma Erdbrink and Evan Susser join the 'boys for a post show Feedbag and answer some questions from the listeners.

[This episode was recorded live on March 23, 2021, immediately following and as part of the same live stream of the Pie Noon Chompionship. -ed.]

Live Feedbag[]

What chain would you work for, if you had to quit your jobs in comedy? (-Anna & Danny)
What are some of your favorite meals to enjoy alone? (-Matt)
  • Nick Wiger: hamburger sandwich
  • Mike Mitchell: Wendy's
  • Evan Susser: sushi
With the talk of sweet treats for Munch Madness, I kept wishing I could have a soft-serve machine for home.

What's a piece of restaurant equipment you would love to have? (-Barry Lam)

  • Nick Wiger: carbonation gun
  • Mike Mitchell: pizza oven
  • Emma Erdbrink: popcorn machine
  • Evan Susser: carbonation gun
Lifelong Boy Scout here. What's the best food to eat and best thing to eat around a campfire? (-BGlo)
  • Nick Wiger:
    • roasted weenie
    • peach cobbler
    • brew dog
  • Emma Erdbrink: beer
  • Evan Susser:
    • Smores
    • apple cider
It's my birthday today! I want to go full HAM on disgusting food and make this day count.

Any suggestions? (-Amanda)

  • Nick Wiger: meatball sub on a boat
  • Mike Mitchell: pizza
  • Emma Erdbrink: fried chicken
What is your hotel continental-breakfast routine? (-Shawn)
  • Nick Wiger: toast & butter, yogurt & berries
  • Mike Mitchell: sleeps through it
  • Emma Erdbrink: sleeps through it
  • Evan Susser: omelet, bagel, plate full of pastries
With the pandemic slowly waning,

what are the restaurant experiences you're looking forward to the most? (-Edwin Stevens)

  • Nick Wiger: beer and cheese fries at Islands
  • Mike Mitchell: drinks and food with friends
If you had to do a host swap with another podcast,

which podcast would you choose? Both hosts have to swap. (-Gringbeams)

  • Nick Wiger: The Daily with Michael Barbaro
  • Mike Mitchell: Blank Check
  • Evan Susser: WTF with Marc Maron
What will your relationship with fast food be post-Doughboys? (-James)
What food would you give all the world leaders in order to create world peace? (-Jeff!)
  • Nick Wiger: a pot luck
  • Mike Mitchell: Regina Pizzeria
  • Emma Erdbrink:
    • Ben & Jerry's Imagine Whirled Peace
    • Soup
  • Evan Susser: Ben & Jerry's


People who keep the Doughboys Wikipedia updated are tearing their hair out right now that we can't remember this.

–Nick Wiger re: who won the first Tournament of Chompions

Mitch: So what was worse: being seasick and sunburnt or now doing this Q&A?

Emma: I mean, if I had to repeat one of them? Probably seasick and sunburnt.

–Emma Erdbrink

You've graduated from Doughboy to Doughman!

–Nick Wiger to Mitch re: his homemade dough

Mitch: You're saying all these things that could be taken different ways over and over!

Nick: I was saying, I like to have a nice creampie out of a Dutch oven and I like it when it runs down my face and chin!

–The Doughboys

Related Episodes[]

Pie Noon episodes


