Doughboys Wikia

"Mash Off 7: Mashin': Impossible - Fed Reckoning with Eva Anderson and Mike Hanford" is an episode of the premium-content podcast, Doughboys Double, hosted by Nick Wiger and Mike Mitchell. "Mash Off 7: Mashin': Impossible - Fed Reckoning with Eva Anderson and Mike Hanford" was released on November 26, 2024.


"Tomorrow on the Double… with Eva Anderson & Mike Hanford" - @doughboyspod


Eva Anderson (@evafay, Interior Chinatown) and Mike Hanford (@mikehanford, The Sloppy Boys) join the 'boys to talk Elden Ring and Casa Bonita before rolling into their freshly baked rolls for the 7th annual Mash Off!

Mash-Off 7: Plymouth Rock, Let's Roll 🥖[]


Wrap Up Now

As they do every year, The Doughboys have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner episode, called The Mash-Off usually with Mike Hanford and/or Eva Anderson. The other Mash-Offs were in 2017 (mashed potatoes), 2018 (different courses), 2020 (random courses), 2021 (pies), 2022 (mashed potatoes again), and 2023 (cookies).

This year, they all make rolls.

guest / host dish recipe
Nick Wiger Brown Butter Skillet Cornbread via Melissa Clark at NY Times
Mike Mitchell Cranberry Dinner Rolls
Eva Anderson Garlic Bread Biscuits via Bon Appetit
Mike Hanford Totino's Pizza Rolls


I was getting an MRI last night. They're looking at my brain. They're seeing what's going on up there. There's a lot of moths, they told me.

–Mike Mitchell

Mitch: You wanna feel? It feels a little dense.

Eva: No, these are fluffy!
Mike: For the listener, Eva is touching Mitch's head.

–The Doughboys

Drops and Plugs[]

reference notes
Interior Chinatown Eva's plug
The Sloppy Boys podcast and tour Mike's plug

Related Episodes[]

Mash-Offs Eva Anderson episodes Mike Hanford episodes

