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"Mash-Off 5: The Revenge of Michael Mashters with Eva Anderson and Mike Hanford" is an episode of the premium-content podcast, Doughboys Double, hosted by Nick Wiger and Mike Mitchell. "Mash-Off 5: The Revenge of Michael Mashters with Eva Anderson and Mike Hanford" was released on November 22, 2022.


"Tomorrow on the Double… with Eva Anderson and Mike Hanford" - @doughboyspod


Eva Anderson (WeCrashed, You're The Worst) and Mike Hanford (The Sloppy Boys) join the 'boys to discuss Mitch's blue pen, Fiddler on the Roof, and preferred potato preparations before each cooking up mashed potatoes in a tradition like no other, the Mash-Off!

Mash-Off 5[]

As they do every year, The Doughboys have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner episode, called The Mash-Off usually with Mike Hanford and/or Eva Anderson. The other Mash-Offs were in 2017 (mashed potatoes), 2018 (different courses), 2020 (random courses), and 2021 (pies).

This year, they return to the original focus of mashed potatoes. They also used a random spinner that had a list of a dozen secret ingredients, and Nick, Mitch, Eva, Mike, and Emma each got a random thing that had to be included in their mashed potatoes.

guest / host secret ingredient other ingredients link
Nick Wiger Cheddar cheese Russets & Yukon Gold potatoes, heavy cream, sour cream, garlic, butter
Mike Mitchell chive Gold potatoes, half & half, sour cream, white truffle oil, butter this recipe + chives
Eva Anderson dill unmashed (boiled) red potatoes, garlic, olive oil possibly this recipe
Mike Hanford Parmesan cheese sour cream, butter, chive
Emma Erdbrink vegan Yukon Gold potatoes, garlic, veggie broth, vegan butter

Mookie Blaiklock recorded a little review of Mitch's Truffle Mashed Potatoes (he rated them 9.5/10).

Eva was disqualified for not actually mashing the potatoes. Hanford was disqualified for using Mitch's ingredient. Nick was disqualified for having too much fun with the potato skin. So Emma was declared the winner over Mitch.

Many gobbles to us all!


I'm dealing with an issue here. You may have noticed my finger is blue.

–Mike Mitchell

I would thrive in a Nightmare Alley. That's where I belong.

–Nick Wiger

It looks like Chester Cheetah took a dump in that bowl.

–Mike Hanford re: Nick's cheddar potatoes

