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"Mama Mitchell with Corinne Mitchell" is Episode 11 of the premium-content podcast, Doughboys Double, hosted by Mike Mitchell and Nick Wiger. "Mama Mitchell with Corinne Mitchell" was released on May 15, 2017.


Mitch's mom is in town for Mother's Day, and joins the pod for a far-ranging discussion that embarrasses Mitch exactly as much as you'd think. But first, Taco Bell's new Naked Chicken Chips are under review in an edition of Breaking Chews.

Breaking Chews[]


Taco Bell Naked Chicken Chips

In this segment, the Doughboys try a newly released fast-food item.

For this episode, they have Taco Bell's Naked Chicken Chips, which were basically thin triangular chicken nuggets.

Mitch suggests they rate it out of spoonfuls of Doritos Cool Ranch powder, but they instead settle on Nick's idea of pieces of Zelda's Triforce (which, they decide, has five pieces).

They were not a fan of these Chicken Chips, finding them bland and uninteresting.

host rating
Nick Wiger 1.5 triforces
Mike Mitchell 1.5 triforces
Corinne Mitchell 0 triforces


Nick: I don't know if you've listened to the podcast at all.

Corinne: I'm not allowed to.

–Mama Mitchell

When you were young, at one point in time - believe it or not - the doctor said if he didn't start gaining weight, they'd have to have him looked at. It seems a little different now.

–Mama Mitchell

Nick Mitch made the argument that cupcakes are pie. Do you agree?

Corinne No. No. Not at all.

–Mama Mitchell

Mitch: She's afraid that I'm turning into a weird cat guy.

Nick: Are you afraid of that?
Corinne: Umm, I have concerns.

–Mama Mitchell


restaurants referenced location notes
El Sarape Quincy, MA one of the few Mexican places in Quincy
Chipotle Quincy, MA
The Fat Cat Quincy, MA
chi SPACCA Los Angeles, CA Mitch and Mrs. Mitchell went to this restaurant the night before the ep;

also Mitch went there with Claudia O'Doherty and Gillian Jacobs

Sugarfish Los Angeles, CA places mentioned that Mrs. Mitchell likes in LA
Guisados Los Angeles, CA
B.S. Taqueria Los Angeles, CA
Desano Pizza Bakery Los Angeles, CA
Kismet Los Angeles, CA
Purefections Chocolate Quincy, MA Mrs. Mitchell mentions how good their turtles are

Related Episodes[]

Taco Bell episodes Corinne Mitchell episodes

Photos (via @doughboyspod)[]

