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"Malcolm McDonald's with Mookie Blaiklock" is Episode 26 of the premium-content podcast, Doughboys Double, hosted by Mike Mitchell and Nick Wiger. "Malcolm McDonald's with Mookie Blaiklock" was released on August 28, 2017.


"Tomorrow on the Double... the 'boys have some thoughts on Malcolm Gladwell's thoughts on fries" - @doughboyspod


Mitch and Wiger's pal Michael "Mookie" Blaiklock (Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp, Comedy Bang! Bang!) joins to break down famed egghead Malcolm Gladwell's podcast about McDonald's fries and to talk slimming down through fitness.

Malcolm McDonald's[]


Malcolm Gladwell

Famous writer Malcolm Gladwell made an episode of his Revisionist History podcast called "McDonald's Broke My Heart" in which he comes out as against the much-beloved fries at McDonald's. The basis of the theory seems to be that McDonald's fries over the years have changed recipes slightly, and he misses the original recipe.

The Doughboys do not recall these pre-1990 fries, but discuss McDonald's fries deeply, and the inevitability of change and evolution.

They then try a bag of cold McDonald's fries which had been sitting around for an hour.

They rate them on a scale of either Gladwell or Urkel.

guest / host rating
Nick Wiger Urkel
Mike Mitchell Urkel
Mookie Blaiklock Urkel

Slimming Down[]

They next carry the conversation over into how to slim down through better fitness, as Mookie and Mitch share a trainer, and Mookie had recently lost a good deal of weight.


You guys don't have to do anything he tells you to do. You guys are men.

–Mookie Blaiklock, on Evan Susser and the Doughlympics

If you're gonna get a shoe filled with popcorn, get me Shaq's shoe.

–Mike Mitchell

We're all gonna take a long, hard, naked look in the mirror tonight.

–Mookie Blaiklock


  • #HutHut vs. #NotNot or #HutNut

Related Episodes[]

McDonald's episodes Mookie Blaiklock episodes


