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"Little Caesars 2 with Marisa Pinson and David Neher" is Episode 317 of Doughboys, hosted by Mike Mitchell and Nick Wiger. "Little Caesars 2 with Marisa Pinson and David Neher" was released on September 9, 2021.


"Tomorrow… with Marisa Pinson and David Neher" - @doughboyspod


Fan favorites Marisa Pinson and David Neher return to discuss parents and vegetarian eats before a review of Little Caesars. Plus, a mascots edition of Slop Quiz.

Nick's intro[]

"Pizza! Pizza!": for decades, a Detroit-founded value-conscious pizza chain has used this doubled-up word as their slogan, usually uttered by the cherubic toga-clad mascot; or more specifically, they've used it as their slogan in the US, because north of the largest unguarded border in the world (though as increasingly punitive American immigration policies combined with Canadian COVID precautions, that phrase doesn't pack the same punch it once did).. north of the border, "Pizza Pizza" is not merely a slogan, but an entire company.


Pizza Pizza

Founded in Toronto in 1967, Pizza Pizza is in fact not only the biggest Canadian pizza chain, it's the second biggest Canadian restaurant chain overall (right behind iconic donuttery, Tim Horton's).

And though unheralded worldwide, Canada did make an historic contribution to the pizza game. In 1962, Sam Panopoulos combined ham and pineapple as toppings, inventing a polarizing pizza dubbed 'Hawaiian' in a geographic non sequitur. (It's probably now on the Canadian $10 bill or some shit.)

Today, an American chain that says "pizza! pizza!" competes with the Canadian chain named Pizza Pizza for marketing share in the Great White North, and has expanded to all ten provinces (though the trademark dispute has diluted their slogan into the far-less catchy "two pizzas!").

And in America, this hot and ready Motor City chain naturally markets their own version of that Canadian pieological innovation, the Hula Hawaiian.

This week on Doughboys, we return to Little Caesars.

Fork rating[]

The first time the Doughboys reviewed Little Caesars was in 2019, and it made the Golden Plate Club, with Nick giving it 5 forks and Mitch 4.25 forks.

Little Caesars also made a run through Munch Madness: The Slice is Right in 2018. In the CEO Region, it defeated Papa John's, then in the Semifinals, lost to Costco. Little Caesars then had one more chance in the Fat Chance Kitchen finals, but lost to Domino's.

Lastly, the Doughboys had a Double episode on which they tried the Pretzel Crust Pizza (they liked it).

guest / host ordered rating
Nick Wiger
  • Slices-N-Stix Planteroni
  • Crazy Calzony Cheese
  • Kooky Dough Brownie
  • Crazy Sauce
  • Buffalo Ranch Caesar Dip
  • Butter Garlic Caesar Dip
  • Cheezy Jalapeño Caesar Dip
  • Ranch Caesar Dip
4.5 forks
Mike Mitchell
  • Crush Grape
  • Crazy Calzony Pepperoni
  • ExtraMostBestest Thin Crust Cheese Pizza
  • Deep!Deep! Dish Pepperoni Pizza
  • Stuffed Crust Deep!Deep! Dish Pizza (1/2 Cheese, 1/2 Sausage & Onion)
  • Caesar Wings - Buffalo
  • Crazy Bread
  • Kooky Dough Brownie
  • Crazy Sauce
  • Buffalo Ranch Caesar Dip
  • Butter Garlic Caesar Dip
  • Cheezy Jalapeño Caesar Dip
  • Ranch Caesar Dip
2 forks, 2 forks
Marisa Pinson
  • Sierra Mist
  • Pepsi
  • Planteroni Pizza
  • ExtraMostBestest Thin Crust Cheese Pizza
  • Deep!Deep! Dish Veggie Pizza
  • Crazy Calzony Cheese
  • Stuffed Crazy Bread
  • Kooky Dough Brownie
  • Crazy Sauce
3.25 forks
Dave "The Wave" Neher 3 forks

Dave the Wave's Bite of the Night went to the Stuffed Crazy Bread.

Spoonman's Bite of the Night went to the Deep!Deep! Dish Pepperoni Pizza.

With these scores, Little Caesars is thereby removed from the Golden Plate Club.

Slop Quiz: Mascot Brawl[]

In Slop Quiz, Nick presents a food-related exam (pop quiz) and Mitch and the guest compete for superiority.

The theme for this episode was mascots. Nick names a mascot and the others guess which brand and product it represents.

clue Mitch's guess Marisa's guess David's guess correct score (MM - MP - DN)

Spuds MacKenzie

Budweiser - Bud Light Bud Light 0-0-1

Horatio Magellan Crunch

- - Cap'n Crunch Cap'n Crunch 0-0-2


- Hawaiian Punch - Hawaiian Punch 0-1-2

Charles Entertainment Cheese

- Chuck E. Cheese - Chuck E. Cheese 0-2-2


Bush's Baked Beans - - Bush's Baked Beans 1-2-2


Raisin Bran Sunny D Froot Loops Cocoa Puffs 1-2-2

Mr. Owl

Tootsie Pops - - Tootsie Pops 2-2-2

Dig 'Em

Smacks - - Honey Smacks 3-2-2


McDonald's Burger King Coke Polar Bear Hamburger Helper 3-2-2

Floyd D. Duck

AFLAC Crazy Charlie's Hamburger Seasoning Crazy Charlie's Duck Butter Bubble Yum 3-2-2

Mitch is the winner!

Roast Spoonman[]


Wild Bill Hickok

Wild Bill Hiccup

–Aaron in Wisconsin


I was texting with your Dad last night, Wiges!

–Mike Mitchell, for real

I'd rather put on a diaper and poop in it than use a Port-A-Potty.

–Marisa Pinson

Dave the Wave: Do you know how I actually got (to California) from Oklahoma?

Mitch: A wave.

–Dave the Wave

I don't want to say the app is crap, but the app is crappy.

–Mike Mitchell


  • #SpaghettiNation

The Feedbag[]

What are some of your favorite bite flavor combinations? (Shaffer in LA)
Nick Wiger a deli dill pickle + a BLT
Mike Mitchell
  • mashed potatoes + turkey & gravy
  • frozen piss eaten with a fork
Marisa Pinson syrup on eggs
Dave "The Wave" Neher cheeseburger + fries + soda

Related Episodes[]

Little Caesars episodes Marisa Pinson episodes David Neher episodes

