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"Krispy Kreme 2 with Sam Sanders" is Episode 377 of Doughboys, hosted by Nick Wiger and Mike Mitchell. "Krispy Kreme 2 with Sam Sanders" was released on December 1, 2022.


"Tomorrow… with Sam Sanders" - @doughboyspod


Sam Sanders (Into It, Vibe Check) joins the 'boys to discuss chopped beef sandwiches, being an RA, and South Texas eats before reviewing Krispy Kreme. Plus, another edition of Food Court.

Nick's intro[]

Founded in 1602, the Dutch Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie, or Dutch East India Company, established the grim template for the next five centuries of global capitalism: lawless extra-national corporations exacerbating and encouraging western imperialism for their own enrichment.


flag of the Dutch East India Company

In its creation, the Dutch East India Company invented the initial public offering, or IPO, making its shares available for purchase by moneyed Dutchmen — a practice that has evolved into a ceremonial shuttle launch of sorts of once fledgling start-ups usually run by annoying tech assholes.

But at the turn of this century, back in 2000, amid the hubristic IPOs of web 1.0 companies like, it was a fast-food outlet whose splashy stock offering forever altered its fate. On April 5th of that year, the North Carolina-founded donut shop went public with the stock symbol KREM, and for the irrationally exuberant years that followed, it felt like a natural next step for the once-regional ring baker.

But America quickly outgrew its glazed phase, as Dr. Atkins and his diet disciples decried carbohydrates as enemy number one, leading to declining sales and store closures, only worsened by accounting scandals. In 2016, under siege by the SEC, the company sheepishly went private again.

But in 2021, emboldened by its savvy acquisition of Insomnia Cookies, the brand had a second IPO — SPO? — under perhaps the single cleverest ticker on the NASDAQ index, DNUT. And with the low-carb craze in the rearview and cash-strapped consumers eager for budget-friendly eats, can this famously misspelled donuttery re-ascend to the apex mountain of breakfast pastries?

This week on Doughnuts… sorry, Doughboys… we return to Krispy Kreme.

Fork rating[]

The first time the Doughboys reviewed Krispy Kreme was way back in 2016, when Nick gave it 3.5 forks and Mitch 3.

guest / host ordered rating
Nick Wiger
  • two 3 Count Assorted
    • Original Glazed
    • Pumpkin Spice Cake
    • Strawberry Iced with Sprinkles
    • Chocolate Iced Custard Filled
    • Glazed Raspberry Filled
    • Maple Iced Glazed
4.25 forks
Mike Mitchell
  • TruMoo
  • Dole Apple Juice
  • Classic Assorted Dozen
    • Chocolate Iced Glazed with Sprinkles
    • Chocolate Iced Glazed
    • Chocolate Iced with Kreme Filling
    • Strawberry Iced with Sprinkles
    • Chocolate Iced Custard Filled
    • Glazed Raspberry Filled
    • Glazed Lemon Filled
    • Cinnamon Sugar
    • Maple Iced Glazed
    • Powdered Strawberry Filled
    • Glazed Chocolate Cake
    • Apple Fritter
  • 16 Count Thanksgiving Minis
    • Mini Dutch Apple Pie Doughnut
    • Mini Lemon Kreme Pie Doughnut
    • Mini Pumpkin Pie Doughnut
    • Mini Pecan Pie Doughnut
    • Mini Original Glazed
4 forks
Sam Sanders
  • 6 Count Original Glazed
  • Classic Assorted Dozen
    • Apple Fritter
    • Glazed Raspberry Filled
    • Glazed Lemon Filled
    • Maple Iced Glazed
    • Glazed Sour Cream
    • Chocolate Iced Custard Filled
  • Thanksgiving Minis
    • Mini Dutch Apple Pie Doughnut
    • Mini Pumpkin Pie Doughnut
    • Mini Pecan PIe Doughnut
    • Mini Lemon Kreme Doughnut
6 forks

Spoonman's Bite Of The Night went to the Mini Pecan Pie Doughnut.

Food Court: Ring of Justice edition 👨‍⚖️[]

Food Court consists of Nick Wiger acting as presiding judge over a series of food-related debates. In the past, if Mitch and the guest disagree in the debate, Nick cast the deciding vote; but now, they are acting as a three-way tribunal to make a decision.

Today, the theme is ring-shaped foods.

debate topic Nick Wiger Mike Mitchell Sam Sanders
🥯 Bagels: Everything or some thing Sesame Everything Sesame
🥣 Cereal: Fruit Loops or Honey Nut Cheerios Honey Nut Cheerios Honey Nut Cheerios Honey Nut Cheerios
🥣 Cereal: Cheerios or Honey Nut Cheerios Honey Nut Cheerios Honey Nut Cheerios Honey Nut Cheerios
🥛 Milk Oat Milk Lactose Free Milk Whole Milk
Onion Rings: small or big big big big
Life Savers: mint or fruit mint fruit fruit
Bundt cakes: yes or no yes yes yes

Roast Spoonman[]


star of Raging Bull, Robert De Niro

star of Grazing Bull, Robert Do Rito



Gimme that hot Dr. P in the morning!

–Mike Mitchell re: Dr. Pepper

Mitch: I didn't grow up with Krispy Kreme. I'm in Dunkin' country.

Sam: Hmmmm... I knew I felt bad about you. I knew something felt off.

–Mitch and Sam

I've never tasted Wolly's tail. I'll never put Wolly's tail in my mouth ever.

–Mike Mitchell re: his cat

Doughnuts are pie now.

–Mike Mitchell

The Feedbag[]

What would your ideal Groundhog's Day meal be?


guest / host food to eat over-and-over again on Groundhog's Day
Nick Wiger grilled cheese sandwich
Mike Mitchell Regina Pizzeria
Sam Sanders chicken pad thai

