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"Ivar's Acres of Clams with Mookie Blaiklock (live)" is Episode 355 of Doughboys, hosted by Nick Wiger and Mike Mitchell. "Ivar's Acres of Clams with Mookie Blaiklock (live)" was released on June 23, 2022.


"Tomorrow... with Mookie Blaiklock" - @doughboyspod


Mookie Blaiklock (YOU ARE WORTHY with LilMookieB) joins the 'boys to discuss their thoughts on seafood and their flight to Seattle before a review of Ivar's. Plus, another edition of Let Me Be Frank.

Recorded live at the Neptune Theatre in Seattle, WA 6/11/22.

Nick's intro[]


Ivar Haglund

I've wandered all over this country

Prospecting and digging for gold
I've tunneled, hydraulicked, and cradled
And I nearly froze in the cold

So begins the first verse of "Old Settler’s Song," a folk ditty dating to the 1870s that tells of a burned-out prospector who eventually finds happiness by the ocean in the Pacific Northwest. Seattle is a city known for its musicians, from Jimi Hendrix to Dave Grohl to Sir Mix-A-Lot, but while others may have achieved influence outside the city, within its limits, few were more iconic than a local yokel who adopted "Old Settler’s Song" as his personal anthem.

Born in Seattle in 1905 to a Swedish father, Johan Haglund, and Norwegian mother, Daisy Haglund, the young Haglund set off on an eclectic multi-hyphenate career, as a folk musician, radio-show host, owner-operator of the city’s first aquarium, and, eventually, restaurateur. Haglund opened the first of his restaurants on the site of the aquarium a year after World War II, a sailor-themed eatery with a playful vibe that extended to its punderful motto: Keep Clam. The aquarium would close, but two more sit-down restaurants would open, and Haglund’s outsized personality and George RR Martin-style captain's hat made him a beloved local celebrity, the media as hungry for his antics as his customers were for his bivalves.

Typical of his eccentric silly walk through life, in his 70s, Haglund accidentally won election to the port commission as a result of a prank gone wrong. Haglund died in 1985, but is still remembered fondly, and today, his statue can be found on his old pier stomping grounds, posed amid one of his favorite activities: feeding the seagulls.

But today with three full-service restaurants, twenty smaller seafood bars, and its chowder sold in stores including Kirkland, Washington’s own Costco, Haglund’s legacy is more than just his bronze doppelgänger.

"Old Settler’s Song" ends with lyrics that gave the original location its subtitle:

No longer a slave of ambition

I laugh at the world and its shams
And I think of my happy condition
Surrounded by Acres of Clams

This week on Doughboys… Ivar’s.

Fork rating[]

guest / host ordered rating
Nick Wiger
  • Peach Iced Tea
  • Cheeseburger and Fries
1.5 forks
Mike Mitchell
  • St. Kitt's Mango Punch
  • Strawberry Fresh-Squeezed Lemonade
  • Cheeseburger and Fries
2 forks
Mookie Blaiklock
  • Pineapple Rum Old Fashioned
  • Cheeseburger and Fries
2 forks
  • Ivar's Clam Chowder
  • Crab and Bay Shrimp Dip
  • Spicy Prawns
  • Ivar's World Famous True Cod Fish 'n Chips
  • Acres of Clams
  • Blackened Salmon Caesar

With these scores, Ivar's makes the Broken Plate Club.

Let Me Be Frank[]

Summer in the City

The Lovin' Spoonful "Summer in the City"

Hot dog simmer in the city

Grit on my grill gettin' greasy and gritty
Toast bun, don't it look pretty
Suckin' on a dog like you're suckin' on a titty
Pork and beef sausages and long bread
Rollin' on a roller grill, must've been relish

One bite, it's a different world
Swap dog bites with a girl
Munch on, munch on, and chomp all night
Despite the farts, it'll be alright
That taste when the casing has snapped
Later that day, you'll for sure have to nap
As it simmers in the city
Like you're suckin' on a titty


Elvis Presley "Hound Dog"

You ain't nothin' but a hot dog
Frying all the time
You ain't nothin' but a hot dog
Frying all the time
You ain't never been a burger
And you ain't no lunch of mine

They said you a sandwich
Well, that was just a lie
Yea, they said you a sandwich
Well, that was just a lie
You're just a bun around a wiener
So you sure don't qualify


Macklemore "Thrift Shop"

I'm gonna hot some dogs
Only got buns and franks in my cooler
I'm hungry, looking for an onion
This is fucking nom nom

I'm gonna hot some dogs
Only got buns and franks in my cooler
I'm hungry, looking for an onion
This is fucking nom nom


Good Will Hunting

  • Hey Grill, I don't know a lot. I see all this, all this food. It's not your frank.
  • Yea, I know that.
  • Look at me, son. It's not your frank.
  • I know.
  • No, it's not your frank.
  • I know.
  • No, no you don't. It's not your frank.
  • I know.
  • It's not your frank.
  • Alright!
  • It's not your frank. It's not your frank. It's not your frank.
  • Don't fuck with me! I'm not you!
  • It's not your frank.
  • *weeps*
  • Cook them, ok?

In this segment, Mitch searches Google (and Nick, Bing) for 'hot dog' and discovers the latest news about hot dogs. They then discuss!

Today, Mitch's search turned up a story entitled "The Best and Worst Hot Dogs at the Grocery Store Ranked by Nutritionist".

He then finds a story about Jimmy Fallon dipping a hot dog in beer at a hockey game.

There is an article about the man who invented the corn dog and one about a guy who sells hot dogs on the side of the road in Syracuse, New York.

Mitch mentions an article about the hot-dog scene in Everything Everywhere All At Once, which Nick loved, but Mitch hasn't seen it yet.

Lastly, Mitch finds a story about a truck crash spilling hot-dog filling on the road.

Nick finds an article about questionable frankfurter recipes.

Roast Spoonman[]


Kurt Cobain

Curd Cobain



I didn't see one ham up there.

–Mike Mitchell re: visiting Bellingham, WA

Do we all support nutritionalism?

–Mookie Blaiklock

Colorectal cancer? Someone's cheering that?

–Mike Mitchell re: the Seattle crowd

The Feedbag[]

What other type of food do you think would go well in tower form?

–Aubrey (Dethlehem) / Jason (normal name Jason)

Nick Mitch Mookie Emma Dethlehem
  • onion rings
  • donut tower
  • Mozzarella sticks
  • leaning tower of pizza
  • appetizers
  • chicken wings
  • charcuterie
What's a chain restaurant item you'd want to see made? And what's one you wouldn't want to see made?


guest / host food to see made food to not see made
Nick Wiger
  • factory farms
Mike Mitchell
  • chickens
Mookie Blaiklock
  • Stuffed Crust
I have a Fuck/Marry/Kill: Del Taco Chili Cheese Fries, Taco Bell Cheesy Gordita Crunch, and Wendy's Spicy Chicken Sandwich.


guest / host Fuck Marry Kill
Nick Wiger Cheesy Gordita Crunch Spicy Chicken Sandwich Chili Cheese Fries
Mike Mitchell Cheesy Gordita Crunch Spicy Chicken Sandwich Chili Cheese Fries
Mookie Blaiklock Spicy Chicken Sandwich Cheesy Gordita Crunch Chili Cheese Fries

