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"Gorko's Planet Clergmas Spectacular" is an episode of the podcast, Blank Check, hosted by Griffin Newman and David Sims. "Gorko's Planet Clergmas Spectacular" was released on December 20, 2022.

🔓 This episode was later unlocked to the main feed on December 21, 2023. -ed.


"Tomorrow on the Double..." - @doughboyspod


It's the Doughboys 2022 Holiday Special! Gorko's Planet Clergmas Spectacular!

After Mitch gifts Wiger a Gorko for Christmas, they learn that Gorko is in danger and must return to his home planet before Clergmas.


director Emma Erdbrink
editor Emma Erdbrink
writer Mike Mitchell
possible co-writer Evan Susser
score Yusong Liu
story adapted from Gremlins, ET, Avatar, and Gorko's Planet
role actor
host Griffin Newman
host David Sims
Gorko's Planet Director Marisa Pinson
Nick Wiger Nick Wiger
Gorko's Planet Writer Jordan Morris
Mike Mitchell Mike Mitchell
Homer Simpson Mike Mitchell
Moe Szyslak Nick Wiger
Commissioner Susser Evan Susser
Gorko Paul Rust
Postmates Guy Carl Tart
FBI Agent Jon Gabrus
Doughboys associate producer Amelia Marino
Ghost of Yusong Yusong Liu
Drop King Robert Persinger
Phish671 Sam Seagroves
Doughboys producer and engineer Emma Erdbrink
Freddy Krueger Nick Wiger
Richard Jewell Zach Cherry
Former Podcaster Betsy Sodaro
Former Podcaster Mano Agapion
Q-Bert Mike Mitchell
Jared Fogle Mike Mitchell
Wolly Wolly
Irma Irma
@elonmusk Mookie Blaiklock
Colonel Nom Parker Neil Campbell
Clergmas Party Band The Sloppy Boys
Mike Hanford Mike Hanford
Tim Kalpakis Tim Kalpakis
Jeff Dutton Jeff Dutton
Chieftain Gorkowalick Matt Kowalick

Merry Clergmas, everyone!


I'm not Santa! I have a white beard, it's true, but I don't really want to tell you why.

–Mike Mitchell

Women can't get enough of Gorko! Oh, the broads see the slime, they come runnin' over. Too bad I don't have fingers, just pulsating veins.


The font on school buses? I really like that font.

–Nick Wiger

Now that comedy is legal, you guys should try and start using it.

–@elonmusk to the Doughboys

David: How did you feel about that Kowalick cameo at the end? I know you're a big fan.

Griffin: The highlight... he really popped.
David: He's only there right at the very end, but he's kind of the saving grace... But I don't know if that's the last final pop you want to send everyone out on.
Griffin: It's one of those things: is this a huge strategic miss?
David: Or did they have a name and then someone got COVID and there was a last-minute call?

Blank Check review of Gorko's Planet Clergmas


