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"Goop Kitchen with Luke Del Tredici" is Episode 431 of Doughboys, hosted by Nick Wiger and Mike Mitchell. "Goop Kitchen with Luke Del Tredici" was released on February 1, 2024.


"Tomorrow… with Luke Del Tredici" - @doughboyspod


Luke Del Tredici (@ldeltredici, Killing It) joins the 'boys to talk Italy, Boston, and snakes before a review of Goop Kitchen. Plus, another edition of Fake Chews.

Nick's intro[]

Elvis. Cher. Eminem. Caruso™?

These names are all trademarked — and if you don’t recognize the outlier, it’s because it’s not Rick Caruso™’s talent that gave his name value, it’s his empire of SoCal malls.

Jump started by the financial patronage of his father, the founder of Dollar Rental Car, a young Rick Caruso™ grew from being a mere multimillionaire into a billionaire via an ever-expanding real-estate portfolio. In 2002, he opened his signature property, outdoor shopping center The Grove, a corporatist simulacrum of a walkable neighborhood, with varied building architecture and a superfluous trolley, redefining the idea of the American shopping mall. The Grove was followed by a series of similar developments like The Americana at Brand and Palisades Village, targeted at moneyed Angelenos willing to pay exorbitant parking fees to choose between multiple yoga stores, and Caruso™’s money and influence made him something of a kingmaker in local politics.

And in his eyes, who better to be a king than Caruso™ himself?

In February 2022, the lifelong Republican launched his quixotic mayoral run — as a Democrat —  using his own war chest to blanket the city with campaign ads advocating for more cops and a small-business bill of rights, and heavily leaning on his backing from celebrities. And so, in May of 2022, the Rick Caruso for Mayor of Los Angeles campaign released an endorsement ad from Academy Award-winning actor and new-age scam goddess, Gwyneth Paltrow. While Paltrow’s endorsement was vague, Caruso™’s steadfast support within the city’s elite seems rooted in what was once called limousine liberalism (and perhaps now more accurately, Tesla liberalism): an outward championing of optics-friendly ideals like diversity and inclusion, but whose actual priorities are increasing their home valuations and decreasing their tax burdens.

But while there may be more than enough rich residents to patronize Caruso™’s shopping centers, there were not enough to stuff the ballot boxes, and he lost in the runoff, after spending by some reports over $80 million of his own money. As for Paltrow, her own retail empire of wellness tonics, crystals, and horny candles has survived being a punchline and vastly expanded its bottom line, adding a ghost kitchen around the time the Caruso™ campaign shit the bed. With a food program led by esteemed fine-dining chef Kim Floresca, the offshoot now has five outlets for take out and delivery, serving the city’s wealthiest and most exclusive zip codes — not coincidentally where Caruso™ voters clustered. Because fortunately for Paltrow, Caruso™, and the rest of the city’s richest, the candidate who won the race, current Mayor Karen Bass, also sucks, and the growing income striation that enables this ruinous new-age Gilded Age continues unabated.

This week on Doughboys… Goop Kitchen.

Fork rating[]

guest / host ordered rating
Nick Wiger
  • The BEST Arugala Salad
  • GP's Classic-ish Cobb (no bacon)
  • Pizza Bianca
  • Super Secret Pizza Seasoning
  • GCC Ranch Dressing
  • The goop Teriyaki Bowl
    • Chicken Thigh
  • Matcha Chia Pudding
  • Greener on the Other Side Soup [Natalie's order]
4 forks
Mike Mitchell
  • Rowdy Mermaid Strawberry Tonic
  • Pepperoni Potts Pizza
  • Penne, No Vodka Pasta
  • The Hollywood Bowl
    • Herby Aioli
    • Chicken Breast
  • Japanese Sweet Potato Soup
4 forks
Luke Del Tredici
  • Miso Salmon Salad
  • Japanese Sweet Potato Soup
4.5 forks
  • The Nosh Box
  • Dark Chocolate & Sea Salt Brownie

Mitch ordered for dinner on his own; so did Nick and Natalie. The whole Doughboys crew then got Goop Kitchen for lunch in studio.

Spoonman's Lovin' Spoonful went to the Japanese Sweet Potato Soup.

Mitch also texts Claudia O'Doherty and asks her if she's been to Goop Kitchen. She says, "yes, it's not bad."

With these scores Goop Kitchen makes the Goolden Plate Club!

Fake Chews: Cereal Thriller edition[]


In this quiz segment, Nick presents some trivia about chain restaurants. Mitch and the guest guess whether the trivia is fake or real.

For this episode, Nick gives them off-brand cereal names. New to this edition is if you get it wrong, you lose a point.

cereal Mike Mitchell Luke Del Tredici correct score (MM - LDT)
Crispy Colors fake - real -1 - 0
Freaky Fruits - fake real -1 - -1
Mystery Squares fake - fake 0 - 1
Cream of Crust - fake fake 0 - 0
Skipper's Swallow fake - fake 1 - 0
Sweet Niblets fake fake 1 - 1
Coded Crunch real - fake 0 - 1
Tasteeos - real real 0 - 2
Glazed Flakes of Frost fake - fake 1 - 2
Magic Treasures real - real 2 - 2

Luke and Mitch tie! (But tie goes to the guest, so Luke wins.)

Roast Spoonman[]


David Lynch's Blue Velvet

David Lunch's Red Velvet

–Stevie (btw, this roast was also submitted by someone else in ep 282)


I'd love to have a Kevin James pop-up! Give me a Hitchburger, why not?

–Nick Wiger

Nick: I wanna go back to your name because you got a 'Del' in it. We don't encounter that often. We reviewed Del Taco last week. The other big 'Del' brand: Del Monte. Do you have any affection for Del Taco or Del Monte? Were you ever eating Del Taco and like, a thing you could say, 'I'm more like Luke Del Taco?'

Luke: No.

–The Doughboys

What are we gonna do? Sit down?

–Nick Wiger re: Mitch trying to come over to his place

It makes me feel great. It's a power trip to be able to waste so much! A 'fuck you' to the Earth.

–Luke Del Tredici re: Goop's wasteful packaging

The Feedbag[]

What is your favorite food-related trivia fact?

–Terry McE

guest / host favorite food trivia
Nick Wiger
  • Hydrox is older than Oreo
  • the singular of Skittles is a Skittles Lentil
  • Arby's doesn't stand for "roast beef" but the Raffel Brothers
  • Hawaiian Pizza was invented in Canada
Mike Mitchell
Luke Del Tredici Dr. Pepper is sold with both Coke and Pepsi products


  • #FunFoodFacts


restaurant location notes
Buckhorn Exchange Denver, CO where Mitch had rattlesnake

Drops and Plugs[]

reference notes
Led Zeppelin "When the Levee Breaks" in Mitch's drop (by Professor Steve)
Killing It Luke's plugs

