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"Fat Chance Kitchen 3 with Spencer Crittenden" is Episode 3 of the premium-content podcast, Doughboys Double, hosted by Mike Mitchell and Nick Wiger. "Fat Chance Kitchen 3 with Spencer Crittenden" was released on March 20, 2017.



Jack in the Box guest Spencer Crittenden (HarmonQuest, Rick and Morty) joins as the contestants narrow in Fat Chance Kitchen, the loser's bracket for the 2017 Tournament of Chompions.

Fat Chance Kitchen intro[]

Each week the defeated combatants of The Tournament of Chompions compete to stay alive! The loser goes home for good. The winner continues for a chance to re-enter the main competition. This is Fat Chance Kitchen.

Statement from The Commissioner[]

"In the past week, multiple controversies have arisen within the Tournament of Chompions. I will address three of the controversies  at this time:

Controversy #1: In episode 95 with Armen Weitzman, Mike Mitchell introduced The Switch that allowed Popeyes to advance over McDonald's in the main bracket and for McDonald's burgers to be considered in future episodes of the Loser's Bracket.

Many in the Doughboy community, including the Doughboys themselves, have asked me to make a judgment on this.

After long and careful consideration, I have decided to allow this. This is a fun and exciting new development that helps liven up the tournament. I commend Mike Mitchell for thinking of this.

–Controversy #1

Controversy #2: In episode 2 of the Doughboys Double, Nick Wiger asserted that atmosphere should not be considered during the Loser's Bracket. This is incorrect. The policy for the Loser's Bracket is actually "Sides do not stay on the sideline, drinks are not in the Gatorade jug but on the field, and atmosphere is in the clear." It can be considered. Politics are what may not be considered.

After considering multiple disciplinary options, I have decided to give Nick a verbal censure.

Nick Wiger, this is your verbal censure. If you make any future errors keeping track of the very simple and easy-to-follow rules of the Tournament of Chompions, in either the main episodes or the Doughboys Doubles, you will lose your vote for the round.

–Controversy #2

Controversy #3: Also in episode 2 of the Doughboys Double, Mike Mitchell inexplicably added Raising Cane's and Burger King to the Loser's Bracket. Nick Wiger reached out to me, asking me to veto these additions, as he argued they created an unreasonable burden.

Raising Cane's addition to the Loser's Bracket is officially vetoed.

Burger King's addition to the Loser's Bracket is approved.

–Controversy 3

Fat Chance Kitchen Rules[]

In Fat Chance Kitchen, all elements of the meal can be considered. Sides are not remaining on the sideline, drinks are out on the field! Atmosphere is also in the clear. Everything is on the table! (Except politics, which cannot be considered.)

Fat Chance Kitchen: Round 3[]

This was a match-up between Chick-fil-A and Church's Chicken, both of whom won in the first rounds of Fat Chance Kitchen.

The winner of this match-up will move on to face BOTH of the main bracket Chicken Fight: Semifinals losers, as well as Burger King (see Controversy #3 above). The loser gets given to Cerberus in hell to be eaten.

guest / host Chick-fil-A Church's Chicken 😈
Nick Wiger
  • Freshly-Brewed Iced Tea Sweetened
  • Chicken Sandwich
  • Waffle Potato Fries
  • Chick-fil-A Sauce
  • Polynesian Sauce
  • Southern Sweet Tea
  • 2 Piece Mixed
    • Spicy
    • Mashed Potatoes
  • Jalapeño Cheese Bombers
Mike Mitchell refuses to return to these 'loser' restaurants Chick-fil-A
Spencer Crittenden
  • Lemonade
  • Spicy Deluxe Sandwich
  • Waffle Potato Fries
  • Superfood Side
  • Spicy Chicken
  • Fries
  • Cole Slaw
  • Fried Okra
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Corn
  • Baked Mac & Cheese
  • Honey-Butter Biscuit
  • Apple Pie

Spencer went to both Chick-fil-A and Church's three times each. As usual for Fat Chance Kitchen, Mitch refuses to return to these restaurants.

Thus, Chick-fil-A is officially eliminated, and Church's makes it to the Fat Chance Kitchen Finals.


Do you cook with toothpaste?

–Mitch re: Nick's taste for mint

The moistest of all was that freshly-brewed sweet tea. Definitely wet and moist.

–Nick Wiger

Hey man, scoop it up.

–The Spoonman's new brand slogan


  • #Flourider
  • #MitchChompTimes
  • #IHaveGoogle
  • #FreeTheBee


official visit location notes
Chick-fil-A Venice, CA Nick went to this location on Lincoln Blvd.
Chick-fil-A Hollywood, CA Spencer went to this location on Sunset Blvd.
Church's Chicken Los Angeles, CA Nick went to this location on Jefferson Blvd.
Church's Chicken Los Angeles, CA Spencer went to the location on S Central Ave.


movies / tv notes
  • Rick and Morty
  • Harmontown (tv)
Spencer's plugs

Related Episodes[]

Chicken Fight episodes Chick-fil-A episodes Church's Chicken episodes Spencer Crittenden episodes

Photos (via @doughboyspod)[]


Some lady on twitter defending Nick's spilling of the Shamrock Shakes
