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"Danksgiving with Mary Jane Gibson & Mike Glazer" is an episode of the premium-content podcast, Doughboys Double, hosted by Mike Mitchell and Nick Wiger. "Danksgiving with Mary Jane Gibson & Mike Glazer" was released on November 10, 2020.


"Tomorrow on the Double... with Mary Jane Gibson and Mike Glazer" - @doughboyspod


Mary Jane Gibson & Mike Glazer (Weed + Grub) join the 'boys to talk about all things marijuana and some of their favorite treats and tips for getting high around the holidays.

[This is an episode that is purely just talk, they don't eat or rate anything, so there is little to add here. They briefly mention their favorite orange sodas (Fanta or Sunkist appear to be the consensus). -ed.]


Skittles does not have a singular. People will say 'I'll have a Skittle.' Skittles does not stand for that. In Skittles parlance, if you want one Skittle, you would say, 'I would like a Skittles lentil'. An individual Skittles is a 'Skittles lentil.'

–Nick Wiger-splaining

It's always Skittles. Skittles is always plural. Then the thing you can adjust case for singularity or plural, you can say 'lentil' or 'lentils', but it's always Skittles.

–Nick Wiger-still splaining

I think the idea is because of the form factor. I think M&M's is the same sort of thing. You would say an 'M&M's lentil' as well.

–Nick Wiger-still splaining

By the way, Reese's Pieces. I wonder if you can get away saying 'Reese's Piece' or if the brand would insist you say 'Reese's Pieces lentil'? Probably the latter.

–Nick Wiger, 40 minutes later

Related Episodes[]

Holiday episodes Marijuana episodes Mary Jane Gibson and Mike Glazer episodes


