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"Burger King with John Roy" is Episode 26 of Doughboys. Hosted by Mike Mitchell and Nick Wiger. "Burger King with John Roy" was released on November 5, 2015.


The Doughboys train their sights on the world’s second largest burger chain, as comedian John Roy (Conan, Don’t Ever Change podcast) joins to review BK. Plus, another edition of Snack or Wack.

Nick's intro[]


Insta Burger King ad

In 1953, two Jacksonville, Florida aspiring restaurateurs, Keith J. Kramer and Matthew Burns, crossed the continent to scout a McDonald's location in the SoCal city of San Bernardino. They returned home to the Sunshine State and shortly opened a burger restaurant of their own, basing its name off the quick-cooking Insta-Broilers they installed in their industrial kitchen.

Just three years later, its own identity was forged as it introduced the signature hamburger sandwich that would make it the "Home Of The Whopper." Dropping the "Insta" prefix, it grew to prominence as a chain in the 1960s, eventually being purchased by the Pillsbury Corporation - an alliance that would last into the 21st century.

As opposed to the rigid efficiency-targeted campaign of its inspiration and chief rival, this fast-food eatery made its marketing emphasis personal choice and customizability, which is reflected in its famous slogan.

Now owned by Brazilian conglomerate, 3G Capital, who merged it with Canadian titan, Tim Horton's, its foothold in the world of fast-food burger chains is secure. According to its website, it now has over 12,000 locations in 73 countries, including in Australia where a local trademark dispute has forced it to operate as Hungry Jack.

But its success is tainted by the fact that, although it granted itself the title of a monarch, it remains, and appears fated to remain, the clear number two to McDonald's, the Goliath it imitated at its founding.

It's the Pepsi, the Luigi, the Scottie Pippen of burger chains.

This week on Doughboys, have it your way. It's BK: Burger King.

Fork rating[]

guest / host ordered rating
Nick Wiger
  • A1 Ultimate Bacon Cheeseburger
  • Chicken Fries
  • Onion Rings
  • Small Fries
  • Red Velvet Oreo Shake
  • Extra Long Jalapeño Cheeseburger [Natalie's order]
3 forks
Mike Mitchell
  • Fanta Grape Zero
  • Halloween Whopper
  • Original Chicken Sandwich
  • Fries
  • Chicken Fries
3.5 forks
John Roy - 4 forks

John did not appear to have gone to Burger King recently for the episode, or at least express any specific order. He does mention his favorite items and is familiar with the chain.

Snack or Wack[]


Pepperidge Farm Pumpkin Spice Milano

In Snack or Wack, the Doughboys have a snack and decide if it is 'good' or 'bad'.

For this episode, they have the Pepperidge Farm Pumpkin Spice Milanos.

They all like various Milano cookies; John likes the mint, Nick likes the orange, and Mitch likes the double chocolate. They do not think that the pumpkin spice particularly works with Milanos; however, they agree if you enjoy the pumpkin spice flavor, you will probably enjoy these cookies.

guest / host verdict
Nick Wiger Wack
Mike Mitchell Wack
John Roy Wack


Mitch: I would like to see what the BK Kids Club looks like now.

Nick: J.D. is definitely dead.
John: There's been some heart attacks.

–re: the BK Kids Club

I am on board with the fuckin' dollop of mayo.

–Nick Wiger

I just want to bleep everything Wiger's said this entire episode.

–Mike Mitchell

The Feedbag[]

As a young boy, I was always very hesitant to take food back to the cashier when they flubbed up my order. My parents were always quick to complain and even though I thought I would just grow up and learn to complain more openly at eateries, I still try not to return erroneous orders out of a fear of seeming too prissy or like a complainer.

What is your policy on incorrect orders, do you feel comfortable complaining to a server/cashier?

–Ethan Weisgarber

guest / host attitude about complaining at a restaurant
Nick Wiger doesn't complain at all
Mike Mitchell will complain if it isn't too much of a hassle to fix
John Roy he'll ask for the correct order, but won't be an asshole about it


restaurants referenced location notes
Burger King LAX, CA Nick brings up a meal he had at the LAX airport Burger King
Burger King Evanston, IL John brings up a few Burger Kings in Evanston
Burger King Quincy, MA the Burger King in Quincy is where Mitch and his friends would hang out and fight the Milton kids
Montclair Deli Quincy, MA one of Mitch's favorite sandwiches

Related Episodes[]

Burger King episodes

Photos (via @doughboyspod)[]
