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"Biggie Feedbag XXXIII" is an episode of the premium-content podcast, Doughboys Double, hosted by Nick Wiger and Mike Mitchell. "Biggie Feedbag XXXIII" was released on September 28, 2021.


Yusong Liu (, Millennial Shelter) joins Emma and the 'boys to answer more questions from listeners in another edition of the Biggie Feedbag.

Biggie Feedbag 📬[]

What was your favorite “birthday treat” for someone to bring to school to share with the class? (-Eric)
Nick Wiger doesn't remember any
Mike Mitchell Dunkin' Munchkins
Yusong Liu Valentine's Day candy
On a recent episode of Judge John Hodgman, the judge ruled about whether it was ok to eat a hamburger with a knife and fork. What is your take on this argument? (-Miranda)
Nick Wiger not needed, unless chili is involved
Mike Mitchell never, but maybe if it's too messy at the end
Emma Erdbrink you gotta try with hands first, but when it gets too messy to pick up, then ok
Yusong Liu when it's messy or it's gigantic


Cartoons made me think picnics were extremely commonplace, and sitcoms made me think I'd spend 50% of my life in a bar or coffee shop chatting with friends. As a kid, what unrealistic food or drink themed behavior from TV, movies, etc. did you expect to engage in more, but don't?


guest / host unrealistic food expectations
Nick Wiger
  • eating a raw carrot like Bugs Bunny would be great
  • going to a bar and ordering a 'beer' or 'whiskey' without a name
Mike Mitchell
  • broccoli would be bad
  • going to a bar every single day isn't cool or affordable
  • pies don't cool on windowsills
  • he would float to food that smells good
  • friends don't hang out at a coffee shop
  • his heart would beat out of a chest when a pretty girl walks by
Emma Erdbrink
  • wine isn't as great as it looks in the movies
  • picnics aren't as fun as they look
Does Nick have nicknames for his friends like Mitch does? (-Nicole)
  • Grandma
  • Dad
  • N8
  • Little Big John (LBJ)


I’m an American in England and the American sections of most grocery stores have stuff like root beer, Marshmallow Fluff, maple syrup, and Pop Tarts. What would you put in the American aisle of a foreign grocery store to better represent the USA?


guest / host food to represent America
Nick Wiger
  • Kraft Mac & Cheese
  • Wonder Bread
  • hot sauces and dressings
Mike Mitchell
  • cheeseburgers, buns
  • Doritos
  • Coke
  • Robert Kraft getting a massage
  • Bud Light
Emma Erdbrink
  • Doritos
  • Cheetos
  • Kraft cheese slices


Nah, I say "chillin'" all the time. I'm always chillin'. Kinda my lifestyle. Been chillin' for years. "What's Wiger up to?" "Oh he's chillin'." "Oh that's right. That's in character." That's me!

–Nick Wiger

Yusong is our Grogu.

–Mike Mitchell


