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"Biggie Feedbag XVI with Emma Erdbrink" is an episode of the premium-content podcast, Doughboys Double, hosted by Mike Mitchell and Nick Wiger. "Biggie Feedbag XVI with Emma Erdbrink" was released on December 3, 2019.


"Tomorrow on the Double..." - @doughboyspod


We're joined by our audio engineer Emma Erdbrink to answer listener queries and voicemails on another edition of the Biggie Feedbag.

Biggie Feedbag[]

Everybody loves Thanksgiving and Christmas food, but what is one current non-holiday food that you'd add to the holiday menu?

–John M.

I was wondering what you guys think about kombucha? While I didn't like it much at first, I always found it to be very helpful in life as someone with a sensitive stomach. I grew to love the taste and enjoy the variety of brands and flavors available these days. Do you guys like kombucha or is it something that you guys can't really get into?

–Will R.

I was listening to your show between some meetings. I know you guys talk a lot about what happens on set with food, or in writer's rooms. But for the rest of us working stiffs, what do you think are the best and worst snacks to serve at a work meeting?

–Andrew in Portland

I recently went to Wendy's to experience the best chicken sandwich in the business, the Wendy's Spicy Chicken, when they messed up my order and accidentally made it so much better. They added bacon to the sandwich! This is something I never would have thought to order in a million years. It really plussed up an already amazing experience.

Has a restaurant ever gotten your order wrong and actually made it better as a result?


I've listened to you guys for awhile and I don't think I've ever heard you guys mention if you take supplements or multivitamins. I know you guys aren't The Dumbells or, you know, health freaks. But I'm just curious what you guys do to maybe help with your diet?

–Jacob from Iowa

After hearing recent episodes with Mitch battling tummy complaints, I was curious if you ever use probiotic foods in your diet?


I'm wondering what your habits are for drinking a beverage during a meal? For me, my drink generally stays untouched until I'm done eating, but I've seen other people who pick up their drink after every single bite of food. Is my beverage strategy weird, or is their strategy weird? Hope you can help.



Mitch: Do you celebrate any of the holidays?

Nick: Ummmm.... Flag Day.

–Nick re: the holiday season

Emma: I can explain [pap smears] to you, but off-pod.
Mitch: Please don't.

–Mike Mitchell

My brother once told me the proper way to wipe my butt.

–Nick Wiger leading off a discussion about how to do it


