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"Biggie Feedbag XVIIII with Yusong Liu" is an episode of the premium-content podcast, Doughboys Double, hosted by Mike Mitchell and Nick Wiger. "Biggie Feedbag XVIIII with Yusong Liu" was released on March 31, 2020.


"Tomorrow on the Double..." - @doughboyspod


We're joined by the ghost of Yusong Liu to answer all your quarantine inquiries. Plus, a new edition of The Golden Paw Club!

Biggie Feedbag[]

Is there another fast food restaurant that you think is worthy of a 64-item tournament?

–David H.

If Emma could pick the winner of Munch Madness, what would it have been?


What's been your go-to quarantine meal, delivery or otherwise?

–Mark W.

What flavor do you want green to be: lime, green apple, mint, watermelon?


What's been in your pantry/fridge for too long and you should probably throw out?

–Tom C.

Is there a restaurant or otherwise that you have their jingle stuck in your head at any given time of the day?

–Andy in Omaha, NE

I just got done listening to the Tournament of Chompions: Final Fourk and Chompionship. It was unbelievable. That was the funniest content, even with the delays and the nonsense of Coronovirus. I am so happy that you still do your podcast every week. Mike saying 'Big Coin' over and over, 'bah ba ba ba...' countdowns. I couldn't take it. I was laughing so hard in my office, people were snapchatting their friends. I had to pause it and walk away. Thank you. I love you.

–Joel from Duluth, MN


Yusong: Oh, I wanted to tell you! I got really high!

Mitch: Yusong, I don't support this. You know what? Now I'm not surprised you're in Hell.

–Mitch re: Yusong

Mitch: When are you gonna release the White Noise Podcast, Wiger?

Nick: Where I just review static?

–Nick's podcast empire

I watched Bugs Bunny as a kid and he would bite into those carrots and he would love it so much. I was convinced that if you bit a whole carrot, it tasted like a string cheese. I was like 'man, I want to eat a carrot so bad.' Then I did it, and I was like 'this isn't good.' Yea, it was a real real disappointment. Thought it was gonna be salty and savory, but no it's not... it's a big old starchy, orange thing.

–Nick Wiger

Nick: I was chewing ice.

Mitch: Just a regular Wiger snack, some ice.
Emma: That's bad for your teeth.
Yusong: And they say white people don't season their food.
Nick: I like a nice cup of ice with some room temperature water for dipping.



