"Biggie Feedbag XLVIII" is an episode of the premium-content podcast, Doughboys Double, hosted by Nick Wiger and Mike Mitchell. "Biggie Feedbag XLVIII" was released on September 5, 2023.
"Tomorrow on the Double... with Yusong Liu" - @doughboyspod
Yusong Liu (twitch.tv/yu_song, Youtube) joins the 'boys for a boy's night to talk spoof movies and the Marx brothers while answering listener questions in another edition of The Biggie Feedbag.
Biggie Feedbag: Boys' Night 📬 👦🏻👦🏻👦🏻[]
Jason Mantzoukas is the voice of Dunkin'. What chain would you want to be the spokesman/voice of?
Considering it's almost football season, I'm wondering if Nick or Mitch ever had a concussions? What are some of your go-to watching-football-on-tv snacks?
You are taking over a movie theater for one night. You have to pick two movies for a double feature, but also must replace the concession stand with a fast-food chain that pairs well with both movies?