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"Biggie Feedbag IX with Yusong Liu" is an episode of the premium-content podcast, Doughboys Double, hosted by Mike Mitchell and Nick Wiger. "Biggie Feedbag IX with Yusong Liu" was released on January 15, 2019.


"Tomorrow on the Double, we open up the feedbag..." - @doughboyspod


The 'boys are joined by their producer Yusong Liu to sample some matcha-based snacks and to answer listener queries.

Snack or Wack[]

In Snack or Wack, The Doughboys have a snack and decide if it is 'snack' or 'wack.'

For this episode, they try a few green tea-flavored snacks: Richy Matcha Butter Waffles and Matcha KitKats. (They previously tried the Matcha KitKats in this episode.)

It seems Nick and Yusong liked both a lot, and Mitch only liked the KitKat.

(I'm using the Snack or Wack scale for cataloguing; they did not use any scale or rate them really. -ed.)

guest / host Matcha Butter Waffles Matcha KitKat
Nick Wiger Snack Snack
Mike Mitchell Wack Snack
Yusong Liu Snack Snack

Biggie Feedbag[]

For the rest of your life, every time you go to the restaurant - you can only get one, which do you choose: apps or dessert?

–Adam Winand

What is the biggest misconception people may have about doing a food podcast?

–Aaron Blankenship

What is your food-related New Year's resolution?

–C Pizz

Do you guys have a food where you get some memory association?

–Jerry Lee

In TV and movies, I've seen several epic food fight scenes in which kids in a cafeteria throw food at each other and make a great big mess. Have you ever witnessed or been part of a food fight? If you have been in a food fight, which food would you throw at you choose to hurl at your opponents?


I wanted to ask what interests or hobbies you both pursue outside of the podcast? I guess the thought of you guys being normal people and leading normal daily lives is fascinating to me.

–Claire in Denver


At one of the shows, someone was wearing a 'YUSONG DID NOTHING WRONG' shirt. I don't know how to reckon with that. Have you ever had nights where you sit up and question it all?

–Yusong re: his existential crisis

That's a Doughboys secret that I empty out my trash before the podcast every week and there's piles and piles of it.

–Mike Mitchell

I like to walk.

–Nick re: his hobbies

My Grandpa told me once: "Never play pool with a farmer."

–Grandpa Wiger's words of advice


