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"Beyond Chicago with Fran Gillespie" is an episode of the premium-content podcast, Doughboys Double, hosted by Mike Mitchell and Nick Wiger. "Beyond Chicago with Fran Gillespie" was released on June 25, 2019.


"Tomorrow on the Double..." - @doughboyspod


Fran Gillespie (Big Mouth, SNL) returns to the show to taste test the new Beyond Burger from Carl's Jr., as well as discuss the 'boys recent trip to Chicago before getting into the first ever Chicago draft.

Breaking Chews[]

In Breaking Chews, The Doughboys try a new food from a chain.


Beyond Famous Star

For this episode, they have Carl's Jr.'s new vegetarian burger called the Beyond Famous Star.

They rank it on a scale of 0-5 Agents On The Phone.

They all liked it pretty ok.

guest / host ratings
Nick Wiger 4 Agents On The Phone
Mike Mitchell 3 Agents On The Phone
Fran Gillespie 4 Agents On The Phone

Chicago Draft[]


After their recent trip and live episode in Chicago, The Doughboys spend some time talking about the city and the trip with Emma and Yusong, as well as Fran (who is from there).

This leads them into a Chicago Draft, where they take turns picking their favorite things from Chicago.

They have five spots on their team, and a bench spot. Fran picked first, and it was to be a snake draft, but after round 2, they just went out of order.

guest / host 1st pick 2nd pick 3rd pick 4th pick 5th pick bench pick
Fran Gillespie 1990s Chicago Bulls Harry Carey The Dark Knight Lake Michigan Navy Pier Billy Corgan on the top of floor of Willis Tower on St. Patrick's Day
Mike Mitchell Deep Dish Pizza WGN Bill Murray Portillo's / hot dogs Superfans The Blues Brothers singing "The Super Bowl Shuffle" in front of The Bean
Nick Wiger Chicago City Flag President Barack Obama Oprah Winfrey Chicago 'L' Train Benny Goodman Fran Gillespie


We're late on our corporate taxes. We got an extension. It's fine!

–Nick Wiger after he spilled water on the Doughboys taxes

We're getting Wiger a sippy cup? That's just what he wants!

–Mike Mitchell

There was a time when my Mum choke-slammed me.

–Mike Mitchell

Mitch: Were you implying that my penis looks like Jay Leno's chin?

Fran: No. It looks like one of his classic cars.
Nick: I imagine it was just covered in denim. You take it out and Kevin Eubanks just laughs at it.

–The Doughboys


  • #WigersWinners vs. #FrannysDoublePay vs. #Dohboys or #ChiDough

Related Episode[]

Carl's Jr. episodes Fran Gillespie episodes


